The AODocs mobile app is a mobile application that brings AODocs features directly into your mobile device. You can:
- access your libraries and documents
- create documents
- preview and edit your document attachments
- browse your pending workflow tasks and perform workflow actions
The AODocs mobile app supports libraries using any compatible storage platform. Learn more: What are the differences between the various storage platforms for AODocs?
– You need to have an active AODocs license to use the app.
– You can install the AODocs mobile app on Android and iOS devices.
When you open your AODocs mobile app, you can see the following elements:
- the search bar to search for libraries using keywords
- the Sort button to sort your library list
- a list of all your libraries – use the bottom panel to display:
- the user menu you can select:
- What's new to view the feature tour of the latest version
- Domain to switch your domain
- Instance / region to see your AODocs instance (currently United States in all cases)
- Help to access the AODocs Knowledge Base
- Send feedback to access the user feedback form
- Bug report to open a ticket to report issues with the app
- Privacy policy to view the the AODocs privacy policy
- Sign out to log out of your account
Tip: You can open the user menu anywhere in the AODocs mobile app by swiping from the left of the screen to the right.