Jérémy Tran
Activity overview
Latest activity by Jérémy Tran-
Jérémy Tran commented, Yep great add-on! But it failed with volume :D, it stopped at 5500 users...
Jérémy Tran commented, @graham, yes indeed, but it can be tricky to create a view for each search queries.
Jérémy Tran commented, +1
Jérémy Tran created a post, Download an entire AOdocs search
Be able to retrieve a whole bunch of documents with a filtered search query. Example: I want to download every documents stored in folders called "folderX" in the entire library / or with metadata...
Jérémy Tran created a post, CompletedSave emails in AOdocs
Capability to save an email into AODocs by selecting metadata/tags. Vault++ usage (i keep the data and i structure it, easy to find it)
Jérémy Tran commented, Same need here! +it would prevent us to convert .msg files :D
Jérémy Tran created a post, Allow Grid view in Drive UI
Use case: picture library for marketing
Jérémy Tran created a post, Capabitlity to make file attachement field mandatory
@essilor, we are using aodocs for workflow validation and in a lot of use cases the attachement is mandatory. Would be great to have that natively without having to create a "review" step to the do...