Celine Mahe
Activity overview
Latest activity by Celine Mahe-
Celine Mahe commented, Hello Thibault, I see the "making the comment mandatory" as a workaround, and not like a sustainable solution. I don't want to oblige people to write something. In my initial request it was to inse...
Celine Mahe commented, Hello Thibault, I was thinking about this new placeholder. It's not always "good" to have the lastest... I explain myself (sorry realizing only now that it doesn't really answer my need). If reuse ...
Celine Mahe commented, Hi Thibault, a lot of great news about the feature requests lately! Thanks! Joyeuses fêtes de fin d'année !
Celine Mahe commented, Hello Thibault, Thank you! It's great and works well! Now waiting for the second step which is to get the option to hide it from the filters too (feature request opened by Javier). Have a nice day!
Celine Mahe commented, Hello Thibault, Thank you for your quick feedback. Sorry, I probably didn't explain correctly... What I would like is that someone who doesn't have a workflow action to perform, that this same pers...
Celine Mahe commented, Hello Thibault, Is there any news about this "revamp" of the history? I didn't see any change. I would be really good to page the history in order to go back and forth. Moreover, about the history,...
Celine Mahe created a post, CompletedComments available in notification email after an "automatic workflow action"
Hello, I would like that the comments in the workflow notifications appear in the notification after an automatic transition, I will try to explain with an example: 1. Author ("human" action) when...
Celine Mahe created a post, Personalized banner visible on all AODocs pages of our library
Hello, I already talked about this banner more than a year ago with AODocs I think... and I'm still convinced it could be useful. I imagine well a banner on the top of all pages (the same on all pa...
Celine Mahe created a post, CompletedAllow document readers to see who still needs to validates the document.
Hello, Would it be possible that the Workflow Validators button appears for everyone involved in the workflow, everyone who has reading rights on the document? It seems that only the administrators...
Celine Mahe commented, Hello Thibault, Great! Thanks for letting me know. Have a nice weekend! Kind regards, Céline