View previous events in Document History log

Currently, you can view the document history of any workflow document in AODocs. Initially, you see first 10 events. You can see next 10 events by clicking "Show More Events". However, you cannot go back. Would be good to have "Show Previous Events" or something similar to that effect, to allow an user to easily analyze the document history thoroughly. 



  • Would love to be able to call document history as a variable in a workflow notification email too.

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  • Hello Graham, Hello Amy

    Thank you for your post. We are currently completely reworking on the document history. This rework should make your experience with the history easier.

    @Amy, would the document workflow history be enough? We deem that the full document history (containing all the edits, views, ...) might be too heavy to add as a field in an email.

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  • Hello Thibault,

    Yes, the document workflow history is what I would need. And, while I'm asking for things, it would be great to have the exact action someone took in workflow. So, whenever a workflow action is taken, instead of the history saying Amy Gannon changed the workflow state, it would be great to have it say Amy Gannon approved and changed the workflow state, or something like that.




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  • Hello Thibault,

    Is there any news about this "revamp" of the history? I didn't see any change. I would be really good to page the history in order to go back and forth.

    Moreover, about the history, I already said it, but still the case... each time an admin view a document, even without doing anything, it appears in the history - not really easy to explain auditors that as admin we didn't change anything in the document. Hope this can also be improved.

    Thank you in advance for your feedback!

    Kind regards,


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