Send and sign a document using the AODocs eSign Connector

The AODocs eSign Connector offers an electronic signature system for digital files. It lets you integrate DocuSign or Adobe Acrobat Sign into AODocs.

The AODocs eSign Connector lets you use electronic signature features directly from an AODocs workflow.

This article explains how to prepare and send a document for eSignature using a workflow in a library. It also explains how to sign the document.

Note: For details about how to install and configure the AODocs eSign Connector in a library, contact your Sales Representative or send an email to to request access to the configuration articles.

Automatically generated table of contents

Prepare a document for e-signature

As a contributor of a library:

1. Open your AODocs document.

2. Enter one or more signers.

3. If needed, add the signer names.

– You must enter the same number of signer names and signer email addresses, and they must be in the same order.
– If the property containing signer names is automatically generated using conditional logic, you don't need to enter the signer names manually.


3. Create, upload or import the attachment to be signed.

Tip: You can configure an AODocs template as a default attachment.

– The following file types are supported by the AODocs eSign Connector: PDF, Microsoft Word .docx and Google Docs.
– If you attach several attachments to your document, DocuSign or Acrobat Adobe Sign will send only the first attachment of a supported format for signature.

4. If required, add anchors or tags to the file you're going to send for signature.

Note about anchors and tabs: DocuSign calls them anchors, Adobe sign calls them tabs. They serve the same purpose but have different formats.

DocuSign or Acrobat Adobe Sign uses anchors or tags to:

  • indicate where the signer must sign the file
  • automatically insert information about the signer and the signature context
  • prompt the signer to enter information or add attachments

Note: If you don't use anchors or tags, the signee can sign anywhere in the document. 

For each signee, you can add any of the anchors or tags listed below.

#DocuSign #Adobe Acrobat Sign

– Replace X by 1 for the first signer listed in the Signer names property, 2 for the second signer, and so on.
– Hide the anchors by setting them as the background color of your document (usually white).

Signature fields: 

  • #sigSignX: signer signature
  • #sigInitialsX: signer initials

Output fields automatically fill in data about the signer and the signature context:

  • #sigDateX: date of signature
  • #sigNameX: full name of the signer
  • #sigEmailAddressX: email address of the signer
  • #sigFirstNameX: first name of the signer
  • #sigLastNameX: last name of the signer
  • #sigEnvelopeIdX: envelope ID (a unique identifier generated for each envelope by the DocuSign system)

Input fields record data input by the signer:

  • #sigCompanyInputX: company name (persisted in user context)
  • #sigTitleInputX: title or function (persisted in user context)
  • #sigAttachmentsInputX: add attachments which are concatenated at the end of the generated signed PDF
  • #sigDateInputX: start date
  • #sigEmailInputX: validated email input
  • #sigNumberInputX: validated number input
  • #sigSsnInputX: social security number (US format)
  • #sigZipInputX: zip code (US format)
  • #sigTextInputX: arbitrary text field


Notes: Replace X by 1 for the first signer listed, 2 for the second signer, and so on.

Signature fields: 

  • {{Sig_es_:signerX:signature}}: signer signature

  • {{Int_es_:signerX:initials}}: signer initials

Output fields automatically fill in data about the signer and the signature context:

  • {{N_es_:signerX:fullname}: full name of the signer
  • {{Dte_es_:signerX:date}}: date of signature
  • {{Em_es_:signerX:email}}: email address of the signer

Send a document for eSignature

1. Click the workflow action button and select the action to send the document for signature. In our example, the name of the workflow action is Request signature.

Note: The name of the workflow action depends on how your library administrator configured the signature workflow.

2. In the Perform workflow action pop-up:

  • enter a comment if required
  • click Submit

Important: You may need to grant permission to the AODocs eSign Connector.

AODocs sends your attached file to the DocuSign or Acrobat Adobe Sign platform, which issues an email notification to the signees you specified in the properties, inviting them to review and sign the attached file.

3. In AODocs, reload the document page.

A signed PDF has been added to your document, named [attachmentname].signed.pdf.


Grant permission to the AODocs eSign Connector

The first time you use a custom script that has Run with current user’s privileges defined as the Security mode, you need to grant the AODocs eSign Connector permission to connect to your DocuSign or Adobe Acrobat Sign account in order to send the document for signature.

1. Follow the link in the Perform workflow action pop-up.


2. Sign into DocuSign or Adobe Acrobat Sign and grant access.

#DocuSign #Adobe Acrobat Sign

ClickAllow access.



3. Return to AODocs and refresh the document page. 

4. Send the document for eSignature again.

Note: You only need to grant permissions once for each custom script running with the current user's privileges.

Sign a document

1. As a signer, open the email notification you received and click Review document.

image05.pngDocuSign notification

2. Agree to the terms of use and click Continue.

3. Review the file and click Sign if you agree.

Note: The anchors are replaced with the signee’s name and the signature date.


4. Customize your signature and click Adopt and Sign.

5. Click Finish to confirm your signature.


6. Other options are available to signees:

  • Other actions > Finish later: put your signature on hold
  • Other actions > Print & Sign: sign your file manually (print it, sign it manually and upload it)
  • Other actions > Decline to Sign: reject the signature. The document will be marked as declined in AODocs.
  • Other actions > Assign to Someone Else: delegate the file signature to someone else by giving an alternative name and email address.

– After assigning to someone else, you can no longer view or sign the file.
– Replacing a signee in DocuSign doesn’t update the signee set up in AODocs in the document properties.


Cancel a file sent for signature

As a user who has been added to a DocuSign or Acrobat Adobe Sign account, you can cancel a signature by voiding an envelope if the document hasn’t yet been signed by all signees.

DocuSign or Acrobat Adobe Sign sends an email to all the signees when you void an envelope. The signees can no longer view or sign the file on the DocuSign or Acrobat Adobe Sign platform.

Monitor your document signature status

DocuSign or Acrobat Adobe Sign communicates progress of the signature process to AODocs. AODocs automatically updates the property Sign status in the document according to the information sent by DocuSign or Acrobat Adobe Sign.

Completed: your file has been signed by all signees

When the last signee signs the file, the file is converted to a PDF by DocuSign or Acrobat Adobe Sign and the signed PDF file is added to the AODocs document as an attachment.
The Sign status property is changed to Completed and the Status reason to Document signed.



Declined: at least one signee declined to sign the file

The sender and the other signees receive a notification from DocuSign or Acrobat Adobe Sign.

On the document page in AODocs, the Sign status document property changes to Declined. The Status reason property indicates the email address of the signee who declined to sign. 


Voided: you or someone in your organization voided the document

The sender can cancel a file sent for signature. The sender and the other signees receive a notification from DocuSign or Acrobat Adobe Sign.

On the document page in AODocs, the Sign status document property changes to Voided. The Status reason property will indicate the reason the sender can enter when cancelling the signature.


Error: an error occurred during the signing process

AODocs changes the Sign status to Error.
The Status reason property can give you additional information:

Status reason


The specified Anchor Tab string was not found in the document. Anchor Tab String "#sigDate1" not found. The document is missing one or more of the anchors defined in section Prepare a document for e-signature.
The UserID does not have a valid membership in this account.

You don’t have a DocuSign or Acrobat Adobe Sign account linked to your organization. Contact your library administrator.



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1 comment
  • Hi, could you provide a list of all the anchors that AODocs supports? For example, can I use #sigtitle1 and an anchor for just an open text field?

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