
Title column should not be truncated in list view

As per the following screenshot, the titles of records in our DMLs are truncated when they go beyond a certain number of characters. This is not ideal because there is still enough room in the column to handle extra characters, and it is not possible to see the entire title without first hovering over it.



  • Official comment

    Hello Celine and Jeremy,

    As Celine has spotted, the release 44 launched last week should solve the situation by allowing users to resize any column:

    Thank you for your participation on this request!

    Have a great day.

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  • Hello,

    I was writing a feature request about this topic, when I found that one.

    Totally agree with Jeremy. It's not very user friendly and most of the end users don't know that, by placing their mouse on the title, they can see it in its entirety.

    Thanks in advance to take this feature request into account.

    Kind regards,

    Céline Mahé

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  • Top! It is solved in the new release. Thanks!

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  • Very happy! Super news, thanks team!

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