
Improve filters in views

The filters in views only have drop down lists or values to type in. This limits greatly the possibility to do filters on a big list of files. It would be better if the filters could have the same kind of criteria we can use in a workflow step when transitioning based on a property value. There are much more options to choose from. Building the filter (s) this way by adding the properties one by one with their criteria would be much more efficient than the current filters.



  • Official comment

    Hello Nicolas,

    With the release 47 we allow you to configure a view with a filter for the fields with is "empty", is "not empty".

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  • Also it seems actually impossible to filter on string properties at the moment, which is a problem for me.

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  • Hello Nicolas,

    Thank you for your post on the community.

    Regarding your last comment, you should be able to search a string property.

    For example, to search for all documents with the property Preferred Reseller as amazon, type: “Preferred Reseller”:amazon

    But indeed, you cannot yet use views with filters on properties type String.

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  • Thank you Thibault, this article is very useful and it does allow a lot of filtering options, at least for slightly advanced users / admins. Wouldn't it be a good idea to put a context help just right next to the search bar? The knowledge base is not for regular users, so having them refer to the knowledge base is not ideal, but if users could find this tip just next to the search bar, it would help them customize their filters easily.

    Also is there a way to test if a field is empty? In my case I am testing if a string is empty, and I tried "" or null but could not get it to work. Thanks

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  • I would also find it useful to filter a view based on a field category being empty as opposed to equal or not equal.

    An equal to "null" would be so much easier than not equal to each value in the category and then having to update views when extra items are added to the category. 


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  • Hello Nicolas,

    I faced the same issue with filtering as you did. Try changing the type from text to string. The Text data type cannot be filtered. Once i changed to string type, the name from the properties got added into my drop down for filtering. 

    However under the browse by drop down, its still not included. 

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  • The only properties that are available for drop-down filtering or browse by are properties using Categories. Did you try those?

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