UFO: Open and edit Microsoft Office files in the Google editor

The Universal File Opener (UFO) is a Google Chrome extension. It enhances the Google Drive and AODocs experience by allowing you to:

  • open non-Google files locally on your computer using the corresponding software
  • save the changes you made locally back to Google Drive or AODocs

From Google Drive, you can open and edit Microsoft Office files in the Google editor. Learn more: Work with Microsoft Office files.

If you have UFO installed, when you do open a Microsoft Office file, UFO checks if the file is:

  • shared with one or more other users
  • locked by another UFO user

There are three possible scenarios:

  • If the file is shared with one or more other users but isn't locked by another UFO user, a banner appears to recommend locking the file manually with UFO. Learn more: Manage locked files.


  • If the file is shared with one or more other users and is also currently locked by another UFO user, a banner appears to indicate that the file is locked and your changes may be lost.


  • If the file is not shared, no banner appears as there is no risk of generating editing conflicts.
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