The AODocs PDF Generator:
- Copies and converts to PDF format all the attached files in a document.
- Merges them into a single PDF file.
- Makes the PDF available in one of the following ways:
- Print to AODocs: attaches the PDF file to the current document
- Print to Drive: opens the PDF in a new tab in your browser – the file is located in My Drive
- Print to Google Cloud Storage: opens the PDF in a new tab in your browser in an AODocs – the file is located in a temporary Google Cloud Storage bucket managed by AODocs
This article explains how to run the basic PDF Generator in a library in which it has already been set up by a library administrator. Learn more about the advanced features: AODocs PDF Generator: use the advanced features.
If the AODocs PDF Generator has been set up in your library, the documents in the class concerned have a jigsaw puzzle button in their tool bar. Its drop-down menu contains one or more custom actions your library administrator defined. Select the required option to run the script.
Important: The document must have at least one attachment.
The PDF is made available in different ways, according to how the AODocs PDF Generator is set up in your library.
Print to AODocs
All the attachments are copied, converted to PDF format and merged into a single PDF file that is added to your document. The PDF attached file takes the name of your AODocs document.
Note: Print to AODocs is available only in Document Management libraries.
Print to Drive
The PDF opens in a new tab in your browser. It is located in Google Drive, in My Drive. If required, you can download it. The PDF takes the name of your AODocs document.
Print to Google Cloud Storage
The PDF opens in a new tab in your browser. in a temporary Google Cloud Storage bucket managed by AODocs and is available for 10 seconds by default. If required, you can download it. The downloaded PDF takes the name of your AODocs document.