The AODocs Salesforce connector lets you create rules to trigger actions between your instance of Salesforce and AODocs on your domain. For example, you can create:
- a Salesforce to AODocs rule that automatically triggers the creation of a new AODocs document each time a new Salesforce opportunity is created or updated
- an AODocs to Salesforce rule that automatically triggers the update of an opportunity when a document enters a given workflow state
Learn more:
- Install and set up the AODocs Salesforce Connector
- What happens in Salesforce and AODocs when using the AODocs Salesforce Connector?
This article explains how to set up rules between the AODocs Salesforce connector and your instance of Salesforce.
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Sign in to the AODocs Salesforce connector
Important: You must sign in using the account you use to access AODocs.
1. Follow one of these links:
- (for the US instance)
- (for the EU instance)
2. Click Sign in with AODocs.
2. Enter the name of your domain.
3. Select either Sign in with Microsoft or Sign in with Google and follow the sign in process.
4. Sign in to Salesforce using your Salesforce credentials.
Create Salesforce to AODocs rules
When you access the AODocs Salesforce connector the list of rules you have defined is displayed. The first time you access the AODocs Salesforce connector the list is empty.
– Currently, you can create only one Salesforce to AODocs rule.
– You must create a Salesforce to AODocs rule before creating an AODocs to Salesforce rule.
1. Click Create a rule and select Salesforce rule.
2. In the Configure your Salesforce to AODocs rule screen:
- Give your rule a name.
- Select whether to trigger the rule when an object in Salesforce is created (select Created object) or updated (select Updated object).
- Select the type of Salesforce object.
Note: Currently only opportunities are available.
- If you selected Updated object, define the condition and its value.
In our example, an AODocs document will be created every time the Lead Source field in an existing Salesforce opportunity is given the value Web.
3. Click Next.
3. In the Configure the outcome in AODocs screen select
- the library in which you want the documents to be created – only Document Management libraries in which you are at least contributor are shown in the list
- the document class in which you want the documents to be created
4. Click Next.
5. In the Mapping screen:
- leave the Add a link to the created AODocs document in a Salesforce field checkbox to create a link to the AODocs document in a Salesforce field, or unselect the checkbox if required
- define the Salesforce field where you want the link to the AODocs document to appear (if you selected the checkbox)
- leave the Keep AODocs document synchronized checkbox if you want to update the mapped properties in the AODocs document every time a corresponding field in Salesforce
- select the AODocs property that will store the Salesforce opportunity ID
Note: This mapping is mandatory.
- use the Add an AODocs property button to create as many additional mappings between Salesforce fields and AODocs properties as you like – the document you create will contain the values of the Salesforce fields in the selected properties
6. Click Save.
In our example:
- the property Salesforce ID in the AODocs document will take the value of the Salesforce opportunity ID
- the property Signature date in the AODocs document will take the value of the Salesforce field Close Date
- the property Company in the AODocs document will take the value of the Salesforce field AccountID / Account Name
Your rule is added to the list of rulecs. In our example there is only one rule.
Click the Edit button to:
- remove the link to the AODocs document
- change the field where the link to the AODocs document is held
- add or delete mappings between Salesforce fields and AODocs properties
Note: You can't edit other characteristics such as the name of the rule, the Salesforce object or the AODocs library. Click the down arrow to display the non-editable characteristics.
Create AODocs to Salesforce rules
– Currently, you can create only one AODocs to Salesforce rule.
– You can only create an AODocs to Salesforce rule after creating a Salesforce to AODocs rule.
1. Select Create a rule and then AODocs rule.
In the Configure AODocs rule screen:
- Give your rule a name.
- Select an AODocs library and document class.
Note: You must select the library and document class you used for your Salesforce to AODocs rule. This library is the only one displayed in the list.
- Select the trigger.
Note: Currently the only trigger is Workflow.
- Select the workflow state.
2. Click Next.
3. Create mappings between Salesforce fields and the values you want to give them when the rule is triggered.
4. Click Save.