
Library Home Page / Description

The text editor on the homepage of a library is extremely helpful in conveying to users the purpose of the specific library.  In some instances though, users may have questions that need to be answered prior to adding a document. We can easily add phone numbers to the description but at present, we are unable to add 'mailto:' references.  It would be most helpful for library administrators to be able to include a clickable email address for questions.



  • Official comment

    Hi Karol, 

    Many thanks for reporting this misbehavior! 

    This issue is now fixed, and is available in your AODocs. 
    From the library homepage text editor, you can simply type in your contact email address: 
    And the editor will automatically turn it into a "mailto:" link: 

    This link will, in turn, redirect the user to his preferred mailbox. 

    I hope this will address your need? 

    Best Regards, 
    Adrien, for the AODocs Product Team

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  • Thank you Karol for your contribution. We are aware of this behavior and is a known issue on our side. We don't have an ETA to share yet for a fix, but it has been identified.

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  • Thank you for the update Thibault. It is appreciated!

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  • I am happy to report that I was able to modify the homepage that needed this email link and it works like a charm!  I appreciate your work to correct or create this behavior and I appreciate you getting back with me to let me know it's working.

    Thank you so much Adrien! 

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