Mobile App Displayed Column
The new mobile app is a great start. Currently the mobile app only displays the title of the document for a given view as its column. Would be good to see other properties displayed in the view in the mobile app, perhaps by having horizontal scroll bar.
Hi Siang Leng Sim and Nicolas Tourneur, thanks a lot for your interest in the AODocs Mobile Application and your comments!
We clearly understand the need to have more information displayed to help find the right document.
Searching for the right document can also be made easier with sort and filter options. Given the screen space should be optimized in the Mobile Application, we are studying these three ways to help at the same time.
We’d love to hear your thoughts on how you expect to be looking for documents in the future with the application! We’ll send you an invitation for a discussion on this topic, we’d love to have the opportunity to discuss in a call depending on your availability.
Laurent, from the AODocs Product Management team
I second this, especially that in order to not make the title too long, we are not combining it with the reference of the document, however when people look for documents, they will look by reference. It would be great indeed to have access to the columns of the view.
Dear Siang Leng Sim and Dear Nicolas Tourneur,
First of all, we’d like to thank you for taking part in our user interviews. Your feedback was very interesting for our team. With version 8.0, we already introduced a new display for documents in the view: four properties can be displayed for each document in the list. And we’re proud to inform you that we just released version 9.0, which introduces more flexibility to end users: they can now configure the properties they want to display, the criteria to sort on, and the sort order. Last but not the least, this configuration is stored by views and is reused when the user accesses the same view again! We hope this improves your experience. Don’t hesitate to provide us with more feedback!
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