Adding icons or images in documents as properties

Sometimes it could be usefull to insert icons or images, instead of having just text, in order to improve the document layout and facilitate the user experience.

Even better if that imgs could be showed according to the value of specific fields !



  • Thank you for your post on the community.

    Would you be able to share an example of you use case where you have a property that allows you to upload images? We are very interested you feedback.

    As for the second part of your request, we are already working on dynamic fields in a document class.

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  • HI, here is an example,

    In our Safety Data Sheets repository (Raw materials etc...) we use visual aids to facilitate any operators in any working conditions, even in emergency, quickly understand how a material is dangerous and how to handle it, without opening and reading a long pdf document. In our current Lotus Notes db, some pictograms appear according to the selections done by Safety manager or plant doctor...

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