Expand/hide left side tab in AODocs Home Page view
Use Case:
The current view of the AODocs homepage is not user-friendly as the Labels tab (left side bar) blocks off a large part of the of the screen. It does not allow the Labels tab to expand/hide as it does the Favourite tab (right side bar).
The view below shows the AODocs home page default view (with the maximum number of libraries in row is 3).
The view below is the expanded Favorite tab that minimizes the number of libraries being shown (2 rows of libraries).
Feature Suggestion:
Enable hide/expand feature for the Labels tab to allow more libraries to show (about 4 libraries per row).
This would be incredibly helpful for us to give users back some of the real estate of the page!
In addition to this, I also think wrapping the labels when expanding/hiding would be helpful.
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