document class id in url

With the new release, the document class id no longer shows up in the url when you are editing a class property.  This makes it much harder to extract this id when needed for api calls or custom scripts.



  • Hi Arlette,

    Until our library admin interface is fully migrated to the new version of our interface you will not be able to extract it. 

    There is one workaround though to simply retrieve the ID of the class:

    Try to delete the class if there is at least one active document, there is a message on the top with the ID of the class.

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  • OK. Thanks.  

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  • Hello,

    Another workaround - if the class has a workflow - is to navigate to the document class configuration page from the workflow, either through the "open in new tab" button in the table or in "more actions > Open class settings". This opens a page in which the ID of the class is available in the page's URL :-)



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  • Ah. That is helpful. Thanks!

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