How to Post a Feature Request on the Community

Thank you for your interest in AODocs and in helping us improve our product! We are always thrilled to hear and get feedback from our customers.

What to do before posting a feature request on the community?

  1. Search our knowledge base to verify if the feature is not already present
  2. Search our community to verify if the feature request has not already been asked

You can search from here, like this:✓&query=manually+assign+licenses

How to post a Feature Request on the Community?

When you post a Feature Request, make sure to:

  1. Provide details about your use case and its context, as well as the current pain points and issues your are encountering. Share some examples if possible
  2. Provide the current or desired configuration such as the type of library you are using, the configuration of your workflow, any specific tools, ...
  3. Provide your suggestions of Features that might be missing or incomplete

Doing so allows our product team and other customers to better understand how you are using AODocs.

Other customers will also be able to vote and comment on your Feature Request. Feature Requests with the most votes and comments are the ones we most closely follow.

You have posted on the community. What’s next?

Every post on our community is carefully reviewed and moderated. If our team finds that your new post might be a duplicate or overlap an existing post, we will contact you to vote or collaborate on existing posts of the community.

The AODocs Customer Services Team and Product Team meet on a weekly basis to review the activity of the community and discuss the current trends. This allows our Product Team to retrieve your feedback on product usage and to adjust the current product roadmap accordingly.

When Feature Requests of the community have been included in our Roadmap, they are marked with the tag “Planned”.

You can find all the Planned Feature Requests here using the Status Filter:

When a new release of AODocs brings this Feature, the feature request post is marked with the tag “Completed”.

You can find all the Completed Feature Requests here using the Status Filter:




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