Reference Catalog with multi-level lists

The Reference Catalog would be very helpful if it could support multi-level category lists.

The current option of uploading categories through CSV is not sufficient because a Library Administrator would have to update each category & respective sub-level every time it is modified for each library. Potentially, this would be very time consuming.. 

Having a Reference Catalog multi-level list option would ensure very small effort in modifying changes that would reflect across the entire domain, rather than in each library. 

Feel free to suggest alternative options. 

Many thanks.



  • The use case for this is that we have different types of property (Rental Properties, Operation Centre, Stations, etc.). Being able to select the type of property and then the actual location would help to consolidate data entry and prevent user error when inputting information.

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  • Thanks for your contribution Fatima and Leah. Would you be able to share with us your use case where you have need for a Reference Catalog with multiple levels?

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  • One use case would be to determine who owns which documents based on an Entities hierarchy. By programming this into the reference catalogue across the domain, we can easily move electronic documents to another company based on who owns the most shares in the company. So far, we have determined this will likely be a 5 tiered hierarchy. This would be much more simple than programming it into 400+ libraries.

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