
Workflow action is prohibited because document is locked

Currently, if a document is in edit and is locked by another user, the workflow action is prohibited. This can discourage a recipient of the workflow action email. This can create an issue with either forgetting or will have to notify the person who has it locked. If the user is not available, an administrator of the library will then have to release the lock. AODocs should allow workflow actions to be recorded even when the document is locked.



1 comment
  • Official comment

    Thanks for your feedback on this topic. Although we understand your use case in your example, it is unlikely that we will implement such a feature. This is due to the workflow structure when transitions are not only based on "human actions".

    For example, in the case of a workflow transition which is based on the value of a property. When a user edits and saves the document so that it triggers this transition, the document is automatically moved to the target state of this transition.

    If at the same moment, a user tries to transition the document using a workflow action, the document should be blocking the user from performing the workflow action. Otherwise, the document once saved could be transitioning to 2 different states. The one from the document property change and the one from the "human action".


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