Improvements to the across all libraries search

Improvements we would like to see:

  • search should behave in the same way as internal library search (ie search on metadata, ability to select whether or not to search in attached files)
  • ability to select libraries to search in (ie not all)
  • numerical count of results
  • ability to sort by column headings
  • ability to filter results


  • I agree with these excellent points Lachlan. I hope these improvements will come in future releases.
    Building on your requests, I describe another improvement to the across-all-library search behaviour:
    AODocs indexes documents so that in Drive they have an underscore character between the field parameter and the field value. E.g., in Drive, for a sample record, the details panel displays the AODocs title as "aodocs_title_IBS SG1 2Y P OOS Standy Gen" and the AODocs description field as "aodocs_richtext_IBS SG1 2Y P OOS Standy Gen Job Card Island Bend Storage Standby Diesel Generator 2 yearly - mechanical - outage".
    The underscore character ( _ ) which separates the title & description field names from their respective values means that the first word in the title and description are not searchable.
    We've discussed this with our IT colleagues, and they believe that this feature might be possibly changed quite easily in such a way that the search is improved. They suggested that we ask you if the underscore character could be changed to an underscore plus a space, followed by the first word. The above example would thus be reindexed like: "aodocs_titleIBS SG1 2Y P OOS Standy Gen" and "aodocs_richtext_ IBS SG1 2Y P OOS Standy Gen Job Card Island Bend Storage Standby Diesel Generator 2 yearly - mechanical - outage".
    Is this something that could be (1) applied to existing documents and (2) designed so that new documents are indexed with a space character? Is this possible?
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  • Furthermore, when files are shared with a group of more than 200 members, they are not indexed until opened by a user and will not show up in the all libraries search result for them if this hasn't occurred.

    We would expect all results to be returned for all users, as in the internal library search.

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  • Hello Lachlan, 

    Your last comment refers to a known limitation of Google Drive related to the subscriptions. We believe it is a safe guard established to increase the responsiveness of Google Drive interface.

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  • Thanks Thibault,

    While we understand the technical reason for the behaviour, it can have a negative impact on users who require searching across multiple libraries.

    As such, we would like to see improvements if possible.

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  • We would also like to have search across libraries improved as described in the first post (biggest priorities for us would be search on metadata and picking which libraries to search)

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  • Hello

    Is it also possible to integrate the 'Did you mean' recommandation of Google Drive in AODocs: it is really useful for users who make small mistakes.

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