An quality UID document string calculated via other metadatas from the document
Our qualitician managers want to manage a "UID Quality document" string calculated via the values of other fields in the document.
Example :
if document type is "Procedure" and the site is "Paris" and an incremental field is 11 then the UID quality is PRO-PAR-12
Procédure = PRO
Paris = PAR
Number = incremental+1
Qualitycians are accustomed to using quality documentation management applications that carry this function.
This also means that a field type of incremental number type would be required.
With the release 54 launched this week, the calculated fields feature is officially out of beta and can answer your request of creating a unique ID field:
Hello Ignacio,
Thank you for your post and the Hangout. As discussed, in your example, "Procédure" and "Paris" refer to categories and "PRO" &"PAR" refer to the short name associated with the category's value.
Excellent use case, thanks for sharing, the product team is looking at it!
I agree with you
Just like in a MySQL database, it would be useful to have a metadata field that autoincrements at every new document
Even better would be to have CONCAT fields where you can merge 2-3 fields together to form a unique field.
With the release 53 launched this week, we bring the first step of calcultated properties:
Using calculated properties and the new sequence ID (unique to every document) will allow to create this ID of document that you suggested.
We are currently in a closed beta, if you are interested to join it, reach out to and we'll come back to you.
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