What is AODocs?
- Welcome to AODocs!
- What are the differences between the various storage platforms for AODocs?
- Video: AODocs key principles and terminology
- AODocs overview: AODocs Document Management features
- AODocs overview: choose an AODocs library
- AODocs security and compliance
How to install AODocs?
- What are AODocs instances?
- Install AODocs
- System and browser requirements
- Enable Google Workspace APIs in your domain
- Grant data access on your Google domain
- AODocs is installed, what's next?
Your first steps with AODocs
- Sign in to AODocs
- Create your first Team Folder in Google Drive
- Next steps with your first Team Folder
- Create your first Secured Folder
- Next steps with your first Secured Folder
- Create your first Document Management library
Knowledge Base
The AODocs Smartbar
- What is the AODocs Smartbar?
- Install the AODocs Smartbar
- Permissions required by the AODocs Smartbar
- Manage your AODocs Smartbar permissions
- AODocs Smartbar settings
- AODocs Smartbar status
Create Team Folders
Access your Team Folders and Secured Folders
Create files and folders in AODocs libraries
- Add files and folders to your Team Folders
- Add files and folders to your Secured Folders
- Create files from scratch in Team Folders and Secured Folders
- Create Microsoft Office files
- Create documents from emails in Team Folders and Secured Folders (in Gmail)
- Create documents from emails in Document Management libraries (in Gmail)
Manage your files — Basic actions
- Access Smartbar features in the Google Drive file preview
- Open and edit non-Google files
- Rename files and folders in Secured Folders
- Copy documents in Secured Folders
- Copy your folder structure from Google Drive
- Move files and folders
Search for files
Manage your files — Advanced actions
- Display and edit file properties from Google Drive
- Perform workflow actions from Google Drive
- Move documents from an AODocs library to a shared drive
- Move files or folders from shared drives to AODocs libraries
- Convert Microsoft Office files to Google files
- Check the ownership transfer from Google Drive
The AODocs interface
- What is the AODocs homepage?
- What is the library homepage?
- What is an AODocs document?
- Understand the AODocs document interface
- Use beta views in your AODocs libraries
- Monitor the progression of jobs run from views
Create AODocs libraries
Access your AODocs libraries
Create AODocs documents
- Create AODocs documents
- Create documents in Team Folders and Secured Folders
- Create documents in Document Management libraries
- Create documents by copy
- Create documents from a template
- Create documents from emails in Document Management libraries (in any email client)
Manage your documents — Basic actions
- Edit custom properties
- Share documents and folders in Secured Folders
- Share documents in Document Management libraries
- Manage permissions with Google groups
- Manage permissions with Microsoft groups
- Rename documents and folders in views
Manage your attachments
- What are attachments?
- Preview attachments
- Upload non-Google attachments in libraries using Google Drive
- Download attachments
- Add attachments in Document Management libraries
- Manage attachments in Document Management libraries
Manage your documents — Advanced actions
- Publish your document
- Share document attachments as Google Drive URLs
- Use conditional logic in your AODocs documents
- View a structural chart with AODocs Charts
- Import Google Drive files and folders into a Secured Folder or Team Folder
- Add files and folders as an external user
Search for documents
Manage AODocs folders
Version control
Document relations
Manage your account
Access the library administration
General settings
- Configure your library's general settings
- Configure the home URL of your library
- Define a URL for redirection
- Define a notification address
- Restrict the visibility of your library
- Configure how properties and the time are displayed in workflow emails
Configure document classes
- What are document classes?
- Create and configure document classes
- Manage the display of AODocs documents
- Configure folders in your document class
- Create and configure document templates
- Manage your document templates
Configure custom properties
Create formulas for conditional logic
- What is conditional logic in AODocs?
- Getting started with formulas for conditional logic
- Add entity references to your formulas
- Create your own formulas: play with entity references in JavaScript
- Create your own formulas: use the correct JavaScript syntax in conditional logic
Security settings
- Configure security settings in Document Management libraries
- Configure security settings in Secured Folders in the AODocs interface
- Configure security settings in Team Folders in the AODocs interface
- Interpret internal shortcuts in Team Folders as move operations (experimental workaround)
- Configure inherited permissions in document classes
- Prevent users from overriding inherited permissions
Categories and reference catalogs
- What are categories and reference catalogs?
- Create categories
- Configure categories
- Configure category sublevels
- Define category sublevels with a CSV file
- View and configure default categories
Configure views
Library roles
Create and configure workflows
- What are workflows?
- Step 1: Assessment of your business need
- Step 2: Create workflow states
- Step 3: Add workflow transitions
- Step 4: Create workflow email templates
- Step 5a: Configure workflow emails – Action emails
Check-out / Check-in and version control
Document relations
AODocs email management
Manage deleted documents
Library operations
Export documents or folders from AODocs
Custom scripts
Manage AODocs extensions
- Deploy the new AODocs Smartbar to your domain
- Deploy the legacy AODocs Smartbar to your domain
- Deploy the UFO or AFO client to your domain
- Authorize the Drive scope for UFO on your domain
- Configure domain-wide UFO/AFO features
- Which proxies do UFO and AFO support?
Technical details and performance recommendations
- Does AODocs use SPF, DKIM and DMARC?
- Enable Microsoft groups on your AODocs domain
- Recommended limits in AODocs
- Google Chrome usage recommendations
- Google Drive performance recommendations
- Firewall and proxy configuration recommendations
Domain status
Domain management
- Access the domain administration
- Overview of the domain administration homepage
- Manage AODocs storage accounts
- Redirect permission requests to library administrators
- Manage external domains
- What are external users?
Domain roles
Manage your subscription and licenses
- How are user licenses allocated in AODocs?
- Upgrade AODocs from trial version to full version
- Manage your AODocs subscription
- Manage user licenses
- Use the API to list all licensed users on your domain
- Uninstall AODocs
Manage third party access
Getting started
Access your libraries and documents
Create and edit documents
- AODocs mobile: Create documents in Document Management libraries
- AODocs mobile: Create new related items
- AODocs mobile: Edit documents
- AODocs mobile: Add attachments to documents in Document Management libraries
- AODocs mobile: Manage attached files in Document Management libraries
- AODocs mobile: Manage comments in your documents
Perform workflow and custom script actions
Articles for UFO and AFO
- What are the UFO and AFO extensions?
- Install UFO or AFO
- Permissions required by UFO/AFO
- UFO/AFO: Open and edit non-Google attachments in AODocs
- UFO/AFO: View locked files
Articles for UFO only
- UFO: Open and edit non-Google files in Google Drive
- UFO: Open and edit Microsoft Office files in the Google editor
- UFO: Handle conflicts in Microsoft Word files
- Authorizations for UFO
- What is the banner asking me to re-initialize when I start UFO?
Migrate for AODocs
- What is Migrate for AODocs?
- Before you start: prerequisites and recommendations
- Administrators: Set up and manage Migrate for AODocs
- Getting started with Migrate for AODocs
- Migrate for AODocs permissions
- Run migrations in quick mode
AODocs bookmarklets
- What are bookmarklets?
- Use AODocs bookmarklet: Audit Log
- Use AODocs bookmarklet: Batch Actions
- Use AODocs bookmarklet: Document Export
- Use AODocs bookmarklet: Metadata Copy
- Use AODocs bookmarklet: Permission Export
Library Switcher
Bulk Updater
- What is Bulk Updater?
- Bulk Updater: Access and sign in
- Bulk Updater: Configure and run your export
- Bulk Updater: View your exports
- Bulk Updater: The spreadsheet
- Bulk Updater: Refresh the data in your exported spreadsheet
AODocs Retention Module
- What is the AODocs Retention Module?
- What happens when you use retention in AODocs libraries?
- Install the AODocs Retention Module
- Create and configure your retention policies
- Manage your retention schedules
- Assign retention schedules to AODocs libraries
Outlook add-in
- Install the Outlook add-in on your AODocs domain
- Install the Outlook add-in individually
- Outlook add-in: Configure your library
- Outlook add-in: Sign in and grant permissions
- Outlook add-in: Export single emails to AODocs
- Outlook add-in: Export a batch of emails to AODocs
Gmail add-on
- Set up your Workspace and install the Gmail add-on
- Gmail add-on: Configure your library
- Gmail add-on: Getting started
- Export a Gmail message you received into an AODocs library
- Export a Gmail message you composed into an AODocs library
- Gmail add-on: Export a batch of emails to AODocs
AODocs modules, add-ons & connectors
AODocs–Virtru integration
AODocs–eSignature integration
Forms to AODocs add-on
Product news and updates
AODocs Release notes
AODocs product change logs
AODocs change log
AODocs advanced features change log
AODocs connectors change log
Google add-ons and extensions change log
Microsoft add-ins and extensions change log
Migrate for AODocs change log
AODocs Smartbar Release notes
AODocs Smartbar V16 Release notes
AODocs Smartbar V15 Release notes
AODocs Smartbar V14 Release notes
AODocs Smartbar V13 Release notes
AODocs Smartbar V12 Release notes
AODocs Smartbar V11 Release notes
UFO Release notes
UFO 9.0 Release notes
UFO 8.0 Release notes
UFO 7.0 Release notes
UFO 6.0 Release notes
UFO 5.0 Release notes (technical release)
UFO 4.0 Release notes
Migrate for AODocs Release notes
Migrate for AODocs V29 Release notes
Migrate for AODocs V26 Release notes
Migrate for AODocs V19 Release notes
Migrate for AODocs V17 Release notes
Migrate for AODocs V16 Release notes
Migrate for AODocs V15 Release notes
Bulk Updater Release notes
AODocs mobile app Release notes
AODocs mobile app 19.0 Release notes
AODocs mobile app 18.0 Release Notes
AODocs mobile app 17.0 Release Notes
AODocs Mobile app 16.0 Release notes
AODocs mobile app 15.0 Release notes
AODocs mobile app 14.0 Release Notes