Aristides Delaosa
Hello Francesco, I was using this script in the settings to hide/show property "A" in a specific document class, since I wanted to hide or show property "A" depending on a specific value from anot...
Hello again, I received feedback from Rami (AODocs) for the case where the Category is Multi-value. c) When the property is Category (Multi-value), then: (propertyMultiCategory`Workstream involve...
Hello, In relation to how to hide a property based on another one, based on the information published and some post, I see that a) When the property is Boolean, then: propertyBoolean`On-Hold` === ...
Hello, I would really find useful to have this feature requested by Amy. Apart of the months mentioned (If I create values = to months, the first one that appears in the view is April), also, if I ...