Louis-Philippe Kyer
Recent activity by Louis-Philippe Kyer
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Ordering view by Family Name for person field
It would great if we could order a view by family name using the person field instead of the first name.
New viewer for side by side PDF comparison
Hello, It would helpful to be able to have multiple PDFs previewed at the same time in the viewer windows to compare information in different attachments in a document. Thank you!
COVID-19 Customer Care Program availability for current customers
Wondering if the COVID-19 program will be available as a template for new library for current customers? Cheers
Related items count
As an admin, I would like to be able to add a "related items count" for each document in the view options. This way, as a user or developer, I can quickly scan through the list and make sure a docu...
Bulk update permissions on multiple librairies
Being able to add a group/user to multiple librairies at the same time. When you have 700+ librairies it's such a pain!