Julien Duprey
We'd highly appreciate this feature too in order to prevent creation of unrelated documents.
Hi Thomas, I think I would do it this way :- Create a class "Vendor" with all the vendors details as properties (Name, Address, Phone...). - Populate this class with vendors. (1 vendor = 1 document...
I had raised the same issue in January in Request #10244. Any update on the fixing of this issue ? Thanks
Dear Thibault, Introducing SequenceID and Calculated Properties is interesting but does not enable to generate sequential "Chrono number" based on a set of properties, as demonstrated by Nicolas ab...
Grid view is a must for browsing through a photos folder. Can we expect this feature coming soon ?
Hello, I see a real interest in Stephen's feature request. For exemple, when rejecting a document, attaching a marked-up document or a sketch to the workflow comment would help to explain to the ve...