Votes on activity by Jochen
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Printing document properties
We would like to have the ability to print document properties just as we can print the attachments.
Possibility to clone a Template
Just like we are able to clone a view, we need the possibility to clone a template to save time and to reduce input errors.
Possibility to sort Templates manually
With lots of templates and no option to sort them, the overview is lost and the creating of new documents is time consuming. We need the possibility to change the order of the templates, how they a...
Field permissions based on transitions not states
Field permissions should be based on transitions not states to make it easier to build more complex workflows.
Document History: Need to have the event data more precisely
In case of an audit we MUST have the ability to prove the history of events for a single document very precisely. For example, "3 days ago" is not sufficient, the log should say "on XXX at YYY". Th...