Arlette Slachmuylder
moving to a calculated field
So, I have libraries where a property is populated by a script rather than a calculated field, since it was created before calculated fields existed. Is there any recommended way to migrate to a ca...
Should be able to open an item in a view to a new tab
There should be a way to have a view open, and select that a document open up in a new tab, rather than in the same tab as the view.
Enter information when approving an item
It would be very useful to be able to prompt a person to enter one or two items, when approving an item, via the email/submit dialog, rather than only being able to click a button. There is definit...
comments do not show line breaks when included in emails
When entering a comment in a user action submission, it lets you hit <enter> and put line breaks into the comment box of the submission. However, when including that comment into an email notifica...
make remove attachment capability part of workflow permissions
It would be good if one of the permission options in the workflow stage would be to make attachments to a document readonly - in the sense that when the document is in that stage, attachments could...
workflow transition option - all required fields completed
It would be great to have an automated workflow option that is - "move forward if all required fields populated". There are times when a user may have entered all the required information in an ea...
"reply to" selection from workflow notifications
It would be great to be able to select a "reply to" email on workflow notifications, so that replying to a notification goes back to a valid email address.
Option to have no comments on a workflow dialog
I use the workflow many times as a "wizard" to guide the data entry and run custom scripts along the way. The comment field in the workflow dialog is confusing in that instance, as the comments wo...
Connect a category to a class
I would like to be able to have a category feed from a class. For example, if I have a document class "High School" that has the name, address, etc. I would then like a category High School that ...
document class id in url
With the new release, the document class id no longer shows up in the url when you are editing a class property. This makes it much harder to extract this id when needed for api calls or custom sc...