Hervé Gazio
"Show filters" - allow users to use AND instead of OR for one property
In the AODocs view that has filtering options ("Show filters"), just below the search engine: if you filter per product, for example, you can select product 1 OR 2 OR 3 and not Product 1 AND 2 for ...
Search across a set of libraries
Hello,With the number of Aodocs libraries increasing and the fact that some of the libraries are open to all users of the domain, there is now a high need to select a set of library for performing ...
Restore attachments in DMS records
It's currently not possible to restore deleted by mistake by some users in a DMS library. We clearly need this feature for the administrators.
Insert a link as a document
Would it be possible to have the possibility to add an hyperlink as a document in Aodocs ? In our previous systems (Sharepoint, eRoom), this feature was available and often used by users. It would ...
Last modification date when document moved to another folder
When you move a document from one folder to another one, the "last modification" date and "last updated by" metadata are changed. We really need to have an option to not modify these metadata if th...
Display category values through doc classes
Hello, Here is a feature request often asked by our users. You can define a category and then use this category in different classes. Then you can create a view to display documents through differe...