Show All Recipients in Notification Emails

Hi I need to know who received Notification emails to ensure that everyone who should be notified was included. However, Notification emails only show "me". I looked over configuring Notifications and did not see any setting that allowed me to show all recipients of Notification emails. Thanks. Richard





  • I agree with you Richard, I have raised this for the past two years ... but unfortunately, this has not been implemented to date although it has been said to be in the pipe for some time. For your benefit Richard here are the two workarounds I have been using which may do the trick for you:

    1. For the issue of the "Notify Users" button, if you are using a google doc in the AODocs document, you can use the feature email collaborators of the google doc. If you use it from inside AODocs, the option will be greyed out, but if you open the google doc in a new tab, you will have the option available.

    2. For the workflow notifications, I have replaced them with scripting and email sender (to confirm with AODocs if this is available to you or not), which gives me more flexibility (it allowed me to have email templates one year before they were introduced on the platform) and be able to have notifications sent like emails with everyone else in cc.


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  • Hi, I would like to know when this would be available,  

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  • Hi Nicolas

    Thank you - very helpful suggestions. 

    will give them a go. 


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