
Allow users to create their own views



The users of a library should be able to create a private view according to their own criterias. This would allow the tool to be more userfriendly.


Thank you



  • Could not agree more, I already sent similar feedback.

    Views are 1.0 at the moment, they need to be made 2.0. Here is the kind of feedback I already passed on but which has unfortunately not been considered to date:

    • user defined views
    • user defined "browse by"
    • multiple levels of browse by, dynamic. Ie you choose to browse by Field 3 for example, then to subbrowse by Field 1, etc ...
    • access to filter fields without having to define them in admin (since anyways you can create the filters in the search bar even if they have not been defined as filters - see
    • relocating the filters / browse by all on the left pane, not the top pane which is really not convenient as soon as you have more than 2 filters

    I will continue the list when this is implemented first!

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  • Agreed. Especially the browse by and Filters. Simply put, the browse by and filter drop down should include all the fields from the properties names and let the administrator decide which one to use. 

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  • Totally agree

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  • I fully agree that this should be very helpful for users

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