Feature to restrict a number of characters in the property
Dear AODocs team,
Can we have an option to restrict a number of characters in the metadata response field ?
Thank you.
Hello Olga,
With the release V45 delivered this week, we now allow data validation on certain fields:
You can learn more here: Configure data validation on custom properties
Let us know what you think! Have a great day!
Hello Olga,
Thank you for your feedback. We have a planned functionality which should fulfill your need.
You will be able to configure fields managed by a regular expression in a class of your library.
Applying a regular expression such as: \d{10}, on string field will force the library users to enter a 10 digit string in the field when editing the string.
Dear Thibault, This is a great news. Can you kindly clarify if this functionality already exists or will be available sometime in the future. If exist - can you please share the link with more instructions on how to do that. If does not exist but will be available in the future - when is it expected. Thanks - Olga
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