
Categories : Integer type - transform in double integer

Nowaday we use use integer type for fields like order number, bill number, cost center, ... It's a good way for us to control that the characters typed are digits.

But actually the number cannot be more than 2.147.483.648

Sometimes for orders/bills/center cost we need more than this value.

It would be great if you could transform this type of field in double integer



1 comment
  • Official comment

    Hello Ignacio, 

    Thank you for your request, we have an incoming feature in release 45 which should solve this situation.

    In release 45, you should be able to perform validation rules for some field types.

    For instance, you could use a field type String managed by a regex like /d{0,10} to force the user to enter a number between 0 and 9.999.999.999.

    Let us know what you think.
    Have a good day!

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