Ability to create a view that spans document classes

Ability to create a view  across classes for common meta-data fields : Example on right shows different types of documentation created for various projects. Some members of the group want to see data by project.However, each type of doc is distinctly different and you are forced to use different document classes and it doesn't allow you to view by project.



  • Add to this the ability for like metadata in multiple classes display metadata for multiple classes in views that display documents for all classes. Example if I have a field called size in multiple classes I should be able to display documents and values for size in a view that spans both classes. Also want to add the ability to have categories that are used by multiple classes display for multiple classes in these views too. Also display the workflow state for multiple classes and the ability to filter on state if the workflow states are the same for multiple classes.

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  • Related to this, we would like to be able to have this feature work across multiple different document management libraries. We have document classes configured the same way, in different libraries because we manage records by business function.

    For example (in very simple terms), we have an Asset Management DML and a Financial Management DML. 

    • Asset Management - the function of managing business assets
    • Financial Management - the function of managing business finances

    Then, in both these libraries we have a document class named "business process" which has same configuration.

    We would like to be able to search metadata across these two libraries but the global search does not do this, so we have started an Awesome Table (thanks to Thibault!) to pull the metadata of class 1 into a spreadsheet, and the metadata of class 2 into another spreadsheet. Then, using these 2 spreadsheets, we've created an Awesome Table.

    In other words, we have a work around but it would be ideal to be able to use native AODocs functionality to do this.

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  • We would like this function "Several classes" and therefore several types of documents in a single document view categorized via a classification plan to be native in AODocs as in many of the GEDs on the market (Documentum, ENNOV ...). We would like to migrate our business GED to AODocs but a first block: only the metadata of one class of document can be associated with a view!

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  • We would also like to be able to have a view with different documents classes

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  • Hi! I have a library with two document classes 'policy' and 'process'. Each class is using the same workflow including the property state. I would like to have a search over both document classes with the state 'active'. The search result only lists the default document class with the state 'active'.

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  • yes. One of our admin is requesting the same interesting feature 

    In a view configured to display documents from several classes, even if those classes have common properties / categories, the filter on the view is bringing only the data of the main class and system properties for others. It could be interesting to extent this in case of common values of metadata. Currently, only entering the value of the metadata in the search bar of the view brings all of them (of course not using the advanced search "property name":value

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  • The ability to key a View off matching metadata in different Classes would really help us to build a case to our users to get rid of their numerous tracking spreadsheets and "dashboards".   Enabling this for a view's Filters, Browse By, Target Filters, etc. would be very powerful.

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  • Hi Jeremy,

    As you mentioned, here is the detail on how to create a view that spans document classes, it is not a native AODocs functionality but more a "Trick":


    Let me know what you think about it.

    Have a good day.

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  • Great "Trick"! Thanks!

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  • Thibault,


    We are unable to use AwesomeTable or the linked sheet feature your article mentions. We still need the ability to create views that span multiple Document Classes.

    Many legacy document management systems such as Documentum have the concept of a type hierarchy... In AODocs language this would be a Document Class hierarchy. So we could define a "project document" class with certain metadata, we could then create classes which contain all of the metadata from "project document" but also some net new things, possibly changed default values, etc. With this type of architecture you can then define a view against the parent document class. This allows common metadata to be presented across a number of document classes.

    We have also seen systems that group results by "document class". This is generally less useful than the hierarchical approach. But there are some great examples where this works well. Basically you have multiple result sets with different columns but only the first result set is expanded by default. This allows for access to useful metadata for a variety of types all from one place.

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  • Hi Jeremy,

    The 'trick' works fine but it would be more usefull in the aodocs views. Is this maybe on the roadmap?

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  • We would also like this feature for many types of legal documents that share a common "Signed Date" field. We tried the AwesomeTable trick but found it to be an awkward workaround that also did not have full text support. It was mentioned to me that this might be on the road-map, any updates on that?

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