
Comments available in notification email after an "automatic workflow action"


I would like that the comments in the workflow notifications appear in the notification after an automatic transition, I will try to explain with an example:

1. Author ("human" action)

  • when clicking on the workflow button and workflow option, the author let a comment in the "pop-up" windows.

2. Is the modification major? If yes, reading committee, if no, no reading committee. (automatic action)

3. Reading committee ("human" action)

  • I would like that the comments added by the author appear in the workflow notification for the reading committee as the previous step was automatic, and so, no one to read the comment. But at the place of "comments", the message "Last transition was made automatically, no comment available" appear because there was the test "Is the modification major?".

Hope it's clear enough. Feel free to contact me if not clear. Thank you!

Kind regards,

Céline Mahé



  • Official comment

    We released this feature in release 46!
    You can now use, ${latestComment}: The last comment entered during previous workflow transitions.

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  • Hello Céline,

    I'm happy to announce you that the placeholder ${lastestComment} will be available for our next release V46.

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  • Hi Thibault, a lot of great news about the feature requests lately! Thanks!

    Joyeuses fêtes de fin d'année !

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  • Hi Thibault, Would you please advise, where can we find the whole list for placeholders in AODOCS?

    Many Thanks

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  • Hey Alex,

    You can find the list of all the placeholders in this article:
    Hope it helps.

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  • Thank you Thibault, It was very helpful.

    Many thanks

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  • Hello Thibault,

    I was thinking about this new placeholder. It's not always "good" to have the lastest... I explain myself (sorry realizing only now that it doesn't really answer my need).

    If reuse my example:

    1. Author ("human" action)

    2. Is the modification major? If yes, reading committee, if no, no reading committee. (automatic action)

    3. Reading committee ("human" action)

    If at the step 1, the author didn't let a comment and at step 0, someone let a comment, it means that the comment from this person at step 0 will be shown in the notification email of the reading committee in step 3?? It can bring confusion...

    Thanks in advance for your feedback.

    Kind regards,


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  • Hello Céline,

    Regarding your last use case, it could be avoided by making the comment mandatory for the action verb at step 1. No?

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  • Hello Thibault,

    I see the "making the comment mandatory" as a workaround, and not like a sustainable solution. I don't want to oblige people to write something.

    In my initial request it was to insert the last comment and to "jump" the automatique step in my workflow.

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