
Title of an AOdocs entry


Currently, when I upload a new version of a document there are two issues :

- the title of the document is changed with the name of the document uploaded. It could be good to leave the same title by default as this is only the attachement which change.

- the document format is showned : . doc or . xls ... It is not useful for document management to have this extention in the title!




1 comment
  • Hello Cecilia,

    When you work with documents in Team Folder or Secured Folders, the name of the Document and the name of the attachment (Google Drive file) are synchronized. 

    I confirm that in the case of an upload the name of the uploaded item replaces the name of the original attachment and therefore replaces the name of the AODocs document.

    The behavior is questionable, for example, our Smartbar extension requires the extension of the file in the name in order to open it locally (UFO doesn't).

    Thank you for this valuable feedback!

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