Library Switcher for advanced users

The Library Switcher lets you switch the storage platform of your AODocs libraries from Google Drive to Google Cloud Storage or Azure Blob Storage. This process is done by the AODocs Service team.

Learn more:

This article provides assistance when running the switch process.

Automatically generated table of contents

Manage errors

If any attachments can't be converted to the new storage platform, the switch process continues and a list of the documents that failed is provided at the end of the process, along with their error messages. After correcting the documents concerned, you can rerun the switch process on the files that failed. 

Errors can occur at any stage in the switch process, which cause the switch process to pause. You can either retry the library switch or perform a rollback. 

Important: We strongly recommend against performing a rollback without the help from AODocs support. Contact the AODocs Support team by email at or open a ticket.

This is what happens during a rollback:

  • If the upload of attachments has already begun, all attachments on the new storage platform are removed from their AODocs documents and Google Drive attachments are restored. The Google Cloud Storage or Azure Blob Storage attachments remain in the bucket or container. 
  • When the rollback is complete, the library is available to users and you can rerun a switch later. 

The following can't be reversed:

  • conversion of a Team Folder or Secured Folder to a Document Management library
  • emails to documents configurations 

View Library Switcher events in the library audit log

When you run a library switch, the following events are recorded in the library audit log:

  • Lock the library
  • Convert a Team Folder or Secured Folder to a Document Management Library
  • In the document class, add a new property to enable attachments on the new storage platform
  • In the AODocs document, convert each attachment from Google Drive to the new storage platform
    Event: DOCUMENT_UPDATED (including the version ID

Note: This removes the Google Drive attachments and adds the Google Cloud Storage or Azure Blob Storage attachments at the same time.

  • Set the document class for the new storage platform
  • Set the library and the attachment search engine for the new storage platform
    Two events: LIBRARY_UPDATED 
  • Unlock the library 
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