Switch the storage platform of your AODocs libraries

The Library Switcher lets you switch the storage platform of your AODocs libraries from Google Drive to Google Cloud Storage or Azure Blob storage. This process is done by the AODocs Service team.

Learn more:

This article explains how to switch the storage platform of your Google Drive libraries to Google Cloud Storage or Azure Blob storage. 

1. Access the Library Switcher. The homepage opens with a list of all your library switches that are completed or in progress.

2. Click New library switch.

3. Enter the name of a library you want to switch to Google Cloud Storage or Azure Blob storage. The list autocompletes when you enter three letters. You can enter as many libraries as you want.

Notes: All libraries that use the AODocs storage account you're signed in with are available, including any that are already switched to Google Cloud Storage or Azure Blob storage.

4. Click Next


5. If required, open the Conversion format for Drive files panel to define how you want each type of Google file to be converted.

Note: This is an advanced optional step. 

By default Google files are converted as follows:

  • Google documents are converted to Word files (DOCX files)
  • Google spreadsheets are converted to Excel files (XLSX files)
  • Google slides are converted to Powerpoint files (PPT files)
  • Google drawings are converted to PDF files

You can choose from a list of supported types for each type of Google file.

Google documents

DOCX, HTML, HTML (zipped), TXT, RTF, Open Office documents ODT, PDF, EPUB

Google spreadsheets

XLSX, Open Office spreadsheets ODS, PDF, CSV (first sheet only), HTML (zipped)

Google slides

PPT, Open Office presentation ODP, PDF, TXT

Google drawings




6. If required, open the Define custom GCS buckets panel to define a custom Google Cloud Services bucket or an Azure Blob storage container.

Note: This is an advanced optional step. 

By default, your libraries are assigned Google Cloud Storage buckets created and managed by AODocs. If you want to define a bucket on your own Google Cloud Storage, open the Define custom GCS buckets panel and enter its name next to the library.

Note: If you select custom buckets, you must choose one per library.

7. Click Next.


The list of libraries you're about to switch to Google Cloud Storage or Azure Blob storage are listed. 

Note: If there are any Team Folders or Secured Folders in your list, a message indicates that these libraries will be converted to Document Management libraries during the switch process. 

Tip: Click the cross next to a library to remove it from the list.

8. Click Start switch.


The switch process starts. The libraries you selected are added to your list of switches.


You can monitor their progress. Click an item in the list to open a panel showing the:

  • name and ID of the library that you switched
  • domain name
  • AODocs storage account of your library
  • date and time the switch process started 
  • date and time of the last modification 
  • status of the switch process: Pending, Running, Error, or Done 
  • current stage – learn more: The Library Switcher process
  • progress bars for documents
  • log in the Activity tab


Note: The name of each library switch is the same as its library. You can't change the name of library switches.

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