Getting started with formulas for conditional logic

With AODocs, you can set up conditional logic in document classes in any type of AODocs library. When users edit their documents, conditional logic is applied as follows:

Conditional logic is calculated using formulas that can include references to other entities such as custom or system properties, property states (mandatory or hidden) and the document title. 

Before you use this article, you should:

This article explains how to implement simple use cases with code examples you can copy. Use this article alongside the article Add entity references to your formulas to build simple formulas.

Advanced users can get creative and write their own formulas for conditional logic:

Learn how to create formulas:

Automatically generated table of contents

Before you start

This article describes how to create some simple formulas for conditional logic. You can use existing AODocs entities in your formulas. Learn more: What can I use in my formula?

A block of text formatted like this and containing the name of your property is inserted into your formula:

propertyString`Document type`

This block of text is called an entity reference. If you copy the examples provided in this article, make sure you don't select the entity references. When you insert your own properties into your formulas, unique entity references are generated, containing the names of your properties. 

Create a unique document sequence ID

What is the sequence ID?

In AODocs, each version of a document is given a set of four numbers, composed of the following:

  • Library sequence ID
    The first library created in your domain has the library sequence ID 1, the second has 2, etc.
  • Document class sequence ID
    The first document class in a library has the document class sequence ID 1, the second has2, etc.
  • Document sequence ID
    The first document created in a document class has the document sequence ID 1, the second has 2, etc.
  • Version sequence ID
    The first version of a document has the version sequence ID 1, the second version has 2, etc.

For example, the full sequence ID 34, 3, 897, 2 corresponds to the 2nd version of the 897th document of the 3rd class of the 34th library in the domain.

– Full sequence IDs are unique per document version within a domain. 
– Sequence IDs are generated sequentially. However, if an error occurs, a given number may be skipped.
– Sequence IDs are generated when you create your document class, document, or version. The constantly increasing sequence IDs don't take account of any classes, documents or versions you permanently delete.  

Sequence IDs are useful because they allow you to generate unique IDs that you can use to reference your documents. For example, you can save the document sequence ID in a calculated property value or title. This gives you automatically generated and easily accessible document references.

You can use library, document class and document sequence IDs in formulas for conditional logic.

Important: They are String type entities.

Create a sequence ID for all document titles in a document class

Use case: generate a unique ID per document within a document class to use as calculated titles.

1. Configure conditional logic to calculate document titles for a document class in a Document Management library.

2. In the lower left panel of the formula builder, click Sequence ID. The list of sequence IDs is displayed in the right panel. Click the Insert button next to Document sequence ID. A simplified entity reference is inserted into the body of the formula:



If you want a document sequence ID with a specific number of digits, add .padStart(5,'0') to the end of your formula:


where 5 is the number of digits you want.

Create a document sequence ID with a fixed prefix

Use case: Give the prefix "SOP" to all the document sequence IDs of your "Standard Operating Procedure" document class.

1. Create a new String type property. Name it "Document ID", for example.

2. Set up conditional logic to calculate its values. First add this to the formula:

'SOP'+' - '+

3. In the lower left panel of the formula builder, click Sequence ID. The list of sequence IDs is displayed in the right panel. Click the Insert button next to Document sequence ID. A simplified entity reference is inserted into the body of the formula:

'SOP'+' - '+sequenceId`document`


If you want the number part of the document sequence ID to have a specific number of digits, add .padStart(5,'0') to the end of your formula:

'SOP'+' - '+sequenceId`document`.padStart(5,'0')

where 5 is the number of digits you want.

Create a document sequence ID with a prefix issued from a String property

Use case: Make all the document sequence IDs of your "Project" document class start with the value of the "Project name" property (type String).

Example of the final formula:

propertyString`Project name`+' - '+sequenceId`document`

Configure conditional logic to calculate property values

1. Create a new String type property. Name it "Document ID", for example.

2. Set up conditional logic to calculate its values: in the lower left panel of the formula builder, open the Properties list under From document. Select String / Text in the list. Then click Insert next to the required String property in the right panel (in our example, "Project name"). A simplified entity reference like this is inserted into the body of the formula:

propertyString`Project name`

3. Add this to the formula:

+' - '+

4. In the lower left panel of the formula builder, click Sequence ID. The list of sequence IDs is displayed in the right panel. Click the Insert button next to Document sequence ID. A simplified entity reference is inserted into the body of the formula:

propertyString`Project name`+' - '+sequenceId`document`


If you want the number part of the ID to have a specific number of digits, add .padStart(5,'0') to the end of your formula, where 5 is the number of digits you want.

Important: If there is no value in the String type property ("Project name" in our example), its entity reference is replaced with null in the calculated property value. You can write this formula to replace the entity reference by a value of your choice ("Default", in our example): 
(propertyString`Project name` ? propertyString`Project name` : 'Default') +' - '+sequenceId`document`
For example: 

Create a document sequence ID with a prefix issued from a Category property

Use case: Make all the document sequence IDs of your "Document" document class start with the value of the "Document type" property (type Category).

Note: This formula only works with mono-value, single-level properties. Learn more: What are categories?

Example of the final formula:

propertyCategory`Document type`.name +' - '+sequenceId`document`

1. Create a new String type property. Name it "Document ID", for example.

2. Set up conditional logic to calculate its values: in the lower left panel of the formula builder, open the Properties list under From document. Select Categories in the list. Then click Insert next to the required category in the right panel (in our example, "Document type"). A simplified entity reference like this is inserted into the body of the formula:

propertyCategory`Document type`

3. Add this to the formula:

.name +' - '+

4. In the lower left panel of the formula builder, click Sequence ID. The list of sequence IDs is displayed in the right panel. Click the Insert button next to Document sequence ID. A simplified entity reference is inserted into the body of the formula:



If you want all the sequence IDs of your "Document" document class to start with the short name of the value of the "Document type" property category, replace .name by .shortName (case sensitive). Final result:

propertyCategory`Document type`.shortName +' - '+sequenceId`document`

If you want the number part of the document sequence ID to have a specific number of digits, add .padStart(5,'0') to the end of your formula:

propertyCategory`Document type`.shortName +' - '+sequenceId`document`.padStart(5,'0')

where 5 is the number of digits you want.

Important: If there is no value in the Category property, an error occurs when the formula is calculated, preventing the document from being saved – learn more: Handle errors in conditional logic. Use this formula to replace the category's entity reference by a value of your choice ("No doc type" in our example):
((propertyCategory`Document type` && propertyCategory`Document type`.name)
? propertyCategory`Document type`.name : 'No doc type')+" - "+sequenceId`document`

For example:

Create a document sequence ID prefixed with the document creation year

1. Create a new String type property. Name it "Document ID", for example.

2. Set up conditional logic to calculate its values using the following formula:

new Date(systemPropertyDateTime`creationDate`).getFullYear()+' - '+sequenceId`document`


If you want the number part of the ID to have a specific number of digits, add .padStart(5,'0') to the end of your formula, where 5 is the number of digits you want.

Use a date with a specific format

Use a Date system property with the format YYYY/MM/DD

Use case: Use the document creation date in calculated property values with the following format: YYYY/MM/DD

Final formula:

(() => {
const d=new Date(systemPropertyDateTime`creationDate`)
const yyyy=d.getFullYear()
const mm=`${d.getMonth()+1}`.padStart(2,'0')
const dd=`${d.getDate()}`.padStart(2,'0')
return `${yyyy}/${mm}/${dd}`

Use a Date custom property with the format MM/DD/YYYY

Use case: Use the value of the "Publication date" property in calculated property values with the following format: MM/DD/YYYY

Example of the final formula:

(() => {
const d=new Date(propertyDate`Publication date`)
const yyyy=d.getFullYear()
const mm=`${d.getMonth()+1}`.padStart(2,'0')
const dd=`${d.getDate()}`.padStart(2,'0')
return `${mm}/${dd}/${yyyy}`

1. Create a new String type property. Name it "Formatted publication date", for example.

2. Set up conditional logic to calculate its values. First add this to the formula:

(() => {
const d=new Date(

3. In the lower left panel of the formula builder, open the Properties list under From document. Select Date / Time in the list. Then click Insert next to the required Date property in the right panel (in our example, "Publication date"). A simplified entity reference like this is inserted into the body of the formula:

propertyDate`Publication date`

4. Write the rest of the formula:

const yyyy=d.getFullYear()
const mm=`${d.getMonth()+1}`.padStart(2,'0')
const dd=`${d.getDate()}`.padStart(2,'0')
return `${mm}/${dd}/${yyyy}`

Calculate a "next review" date 

This formula lets you to generate a date in calculated property values from another date property to which a given number of months is added. 

Calculate a "next review" date as a fixed period after the "Application date"

Use case: Calculate a "next review" date, 12 months after the "Application date".

Example of the final formula:

(() => {
var date = new Date(propertyDate`Application date`);
return date;

1. Create a new Date type property. Name it "Next review date", for example.

2. Set up conditional logic to calculate its values. First add this to the formula:

(() => {
var date = new Date(

3. In the lower left panel of the formula builder, open the Properties list under From document. Select Date / Time in the list. Then click Insert next to the required Date property in the right panel (in our example, "Application date"). A simplified entity reference like this is inserted into the body of the formula:

propertyDate`Application date`

4. Write the rest of the formula:

return date;

Calculate a "next review" date as "Review period" (number of months) after the "Application date"

Use case: Generate a "next review" date calculated from the number of months in the "Review period (in months)" property after the "Application date".

Example of the final formula:

(() => {
var date = new Date(propertyDate`Application date`);
date.setMonth(date.getMonth()+propertyInteger`Review period`);
return date;

1. Create a new Date type property. Name it "Next review date", for example.

2. Set up conditional logic to calculate its values. First add this to the formula:

(() => {
var date = new Date(

3. In the lower left panel of the formula builder, open the Properties list under From document. Select Date / Time in the list. Then click Insert next to the required Date property in the right panel (in our example, "Application date"). A simplified entity reference like this is inserted into the body of the formula:

propertyDate`Application date`

4. Add this to the formula:


5. In the lower left panel of the formula builder, open the Properties list under From document. Select Number in the list. Then click Insert next to the required Number property in the right panel (in our example, "Review period"). A simplified entity reference like this is inserted into the body of the formula:

propertyInteger`Review period`

6. Write the rest of the formula:

return date;

Calculate a duration between two dates

Use case: Calculate how many days between the "Start Date" and "End Date", defined in your document as Date type properties.

Note: The value calculated can be negative. 

Example of the final formula:

(() => {
var startDate = new Date(propertyDate`Start Date`);
var returnDate = new Date(propertyDate`End Date`);
return (returnDate.getTime() - startDate.getTime()) / (1000 * 3600 * 24);

1. Create a new Integer type property. Name it "Duration (in days)", for example.

2. Set up conditional logic to calculate its values. First add this to the formula:

(() => {
var startDate = new Date(

3. In the lower left panel of the formula builder, open the Properties list under From document. Select Date / Time in the list. Then click Insert next to the required Date property in the right panel (in our example, "Start date"). A simplified entity reference like this is inserted into the body of the formula:

propertyDate`Start Date`

4. Add this to the formula:

var returnDate = new Date(

5. In the lower left panel of the formula builder, open the Properties list under From document. Select Date / Time in the list. Then click Insert next to the required Date property in the right panel (in our example, "End date"). A simplified entity reference like this is inserted into the body of the formula:

propertyDate`End Date`

6. Write the following at the end of the formula:

return (returnDate.getTime() - startDate.getTime()) / (1000 * 3600 * 24);

Use workflow states to calculate property values

Use case: Record the date when your document is published. The date your document transitions to the “Published” workflow state is recorded in a calculated Date property called "Publication Date".

When you save your document, if its workflow state is:

  • “Published” – the system property "stateChangeDate" is updated with the current date (date of the transition to "Published"), and the value of this system property is recorded as the value of the property "Publication Date"
  • not “Published” – the property "Publication Date" is not recalculated

Note: The property "Publication Date" is empty if the document has never been published.

Example of the final formula:

systemPropertyString`stateId` === state`Published`
    ? new Date(new Date(systemPropertyDateTime`stateChangeDate`).getFullYear(), new
Date(systemPropertyDateTime`stateChangeDate`).getMonth(), new
    : propertyDate`Publication Date`

1. Create a new Date type property. Name it "Publication Date", for example.

2. Save your property so you can self-reference it later. To do this, add "" to the formula builder and save, then reopen the formula builder.

3. Set up conditional logic to calculate the values of your new property.

First add this to the formula:

systemPropertyString`stateId` ===

4. In the lower left panel of the formula builder, select Workflow states under From library. Then click Insert next to the required workflow state in the right panel (in our example, "Published"). 

5. Add this to the formula:

? new
Date(new Date(systemPropertyDateTime`stateChangeDate`).getFullYear(), new Date(systemPropertyDateTime`stateChangeDate`).getMonth(), new Date(systemPropertyDateTime`stateChangeDate`).getDate()) :

6. In the lower left panel of the formula builder, open the Properties list under From document. Select Date in the list. Then click Insert next to the required Date property in the right panel (in our example, "Publication"). A simplified entity reference like this is inserted into the body of the formula:

propertyDate`Publication Date`

Important: Make sure you use the exact name of the workflow state, not the name of the user action used to run the workflow transition to the workflow state. Learn more: Create workflow states.

Calculate the value of a category from another manually-filled category

You want to calculate the value of a Category property called "Language".

Use a simple mapping rule to determine the value of the calculated Category property, based on the value of another Category property called “Country“ that is manually filled in:

  • if "Country" is "Mexico" or "Argentina", the language should be "Spanish"
  • otherwise, the language should be "English"


(propertyCategory`Country`.id === '#{categoryValue:Rxe2uPo058jkVseG5c/Rxe4SdfwpuSgQFgdt2}'
|| propertyCategory`Country`.id === '#{categoryValue:Rxe2uPo058jkVseG5c/Rxe4Ufi000001fHOrq}')
      ? '#{categoryValue:RzziEzj11GVIe7MURY/RzziI4o000001WM4ld}'
      : '#{categoryValue:RzziEzj11GVIe7MURY/RzziG5l000000trdlK}'


  • '#{categoryValue:Rxe2uPo058jkVseG5c/Rxe4SdfwpuSgQFgdt2}' (on line 1) refers to the category value "Mexico" of the category defined at the library level and used in the "Country" property
  • '#{categoryValue:Rxe2uPo058jkVseG5c/Rxe4Ufi000001fHOrq}' (on line 2) refers to the category value "Argentina" of the category defined at the library level and used in the "Country" property


  • '#{categoryValue:RzziEzj11GVIe7MURY/RzziI4o000001WM4ld}' (on line 3) refers to the category value "Spanish" of the category defined at the library level and used in the "Language" property
  • '#{categoryValue:RzziEzj11GVIe7MURY/RzziG5l000000trdlK}' (on line 4) refers to the category value "English" of the category defined at the library level and used in the "Language" property


Use simple math calculations

Use cases:

  • Calculate the total price of a commercial proposal, for example:
    • number of days × daily rate
    • number of pieces × price per piece
  • Calculate the VAT with a fixed tax percentage
  • Calculate the VAT with a tax percentage written in another property

It's easy to write math calculations in the formulas of properties with calculated values. You can use the standard operators: +, -, *, /

To use Number type properties (Integer or Decimal), click the property name in the left panel of the formula builder, under Integer or Decimal. When you do this, a simplified entity reference like this is inserted in the body of the formula:

propertyDecimal`Daily rate`

The formula of a sum between two properties looks like this: 

propertyInteger`Duration of the service` + propertyInteger`Travel time`

If you need to use fixed numbers, simply write them in the formula:

0.2 * (propertyDecimal`Cost price` - propertyDecimal`Reduction`)

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  • I'm trying to get a value from a category field, but the reference (for example is doc.fields['#{field:SDtg925wMUXdhJvjZZ}') is returning the object and not the selected value when creating the document. How do I get the selected value from the category field in a formula?.

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  • How can we get the value of Category sub level selected? If there are 3 levels to a Category value and in the sequence id the deepest 3rd level value needs to be appended, how that can be achieved?
    eg: Cat1->Cat2->Cat3
    Sequence id: 001+Cat3

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  • Hello, I have one questions regarding the sequence ID :
    I created one document class for correspondence, created some documents inside to test and ajust the parameters, then deleted them.
    Then I implemented one calculated metadata to generate a sequence number. When I started to create new documents, the chrono started at 012, which i guess is because it's taking into account the old documents, even though I permanently deleted them.
    1- Is there a way to make the sequence start at 001 ?
    2- Moreover, is there a way to start the chrono at a chosen number ? (for example if documents with a sequence number were already existing prior to the creation of the aodocs site) ?

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  • Hi Debashree,

    Many thanks for sharing your use case relating to the new Calculated Properties feature.

    To display the “name” element of the value picked from your Category (named “Location”, for example), use the syntax explained in this article (property`Location`.name):

    Additionally, the following formula checks whether a value has actually been defined for the Category (which we strongly advise, otherwise an error will occur), makes sure the value belongs to the third level thanks to the “level” property (starting at 0), and displays a custom message if not.
    Finally, you can prepend the document sequence ID using the “+” (concatenation) operator, and optionally the “padStart” method, ensuring the sequence number is at least 3 characters long.
    sequenceId`document`.toString().padStart(3, '0') + '+' +
    ((property`Location` && property`Location`.name)
    ? ((property`Location`.level + 1) == 3 ? property`Location`.name : 'No 3rd level location selected')
    : 'No location selected')

    You might find this example ( interesting, since it describes how to add a piece of information to a document sequence ID, in the very specific case of a Category property.

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  • Hi Maria,
    Thanks for your question. Yes, you can calculate the next review date in days instead of months. Try this:
    (() => {
    var date = new Date(propertyDateApplication date);
    return date;
    Hope that helps!

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  • How to reset sequenceId`document as 1 while first document created for begin of next month ? (e.g 'SOP-2021010099' --> 'SOP-2021020001')

    (() => {
    const d=new Date(systemProperty`creationDate`)
    const yyyy=d.getFullYear()
    const mm=`${d.getMonth()+1}`.padStart(2,'0')
    return 'SOP'+'-'+yyyy+mm+sequenceId`document`.padStart(4,'0')

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  • Hi,
    Im using a Boolean property to hide date property, but only works one time, I mean, if I set the boolean property like true, the date property its showed but if i set again the boolean property like false, the date property not hidden again. I set this formula.
    property`Active Returns` = false
    anyone can help me to know what im doing wrong?

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  • Hi Morgane,
    I've had the same use case and found that you can use an array of email addresses like ["", ""].

    Comment actions Permalink
  • Hi,

    Thank you for helping me, I was able to apply this solution on the property.


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  • Hola

    Quisiera saber si se puede calcular la fecha de próxima revisión en dias, en lugar de meses


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  • Thank you for your help Junsien! That's perfect

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  • Hello Francesco,

    I was using this script in the settings to hide/show property "A" in a specific document class, since I wanted to hide or show property "A" depending on a specific value from another property "B", where property "B" was created as a MultiCategory property.

    I hope it helps.
    Best regards

    Comment actions Permalink
  • Hi Aristides,
    can you please explain me this script:

    (propertyMultiCategory`Workstream involved`.some((element) => (categoryValue`Workstream:SAP FC-FIM(TBeQzH7tHoTymvq8M1)`)))

    I can't get how I should apply it to my library. Can you please show me the example in your library?
    thank you

    Comment actions Permalink
  • Hi,
    How to return multiple values in a calculated property? Ex: if document discipline (Category property) = value A, then Reviewers (Person property) must be "" and ""
    I tried && and + as operator but it doesn't seem to work.

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  • Hello again,

    I received feedback from Rami (AODocs) for the case where the Category is Multi-value.

    c) When the property is Category (Multi-value), then:
    (propertyMultiCategory`Workstream involved`.some((element) => (categoryValue`Workstream:SAP FC-FIM(TBeQzH7tHoTymvq8M1)`)))

    Thank you for the quick and good support.

    Comment actions Permalink
  • Hello,

    In relation to how to hide a property based on another one, based on the information published and some post, I see that
    a) When the property is Boolean, then:
    propertyBoolean`On-Hold` === false

    b) When the property is Category, then:
    (propertyCategory`Yes / No`)?.id
    === categoryValue`Yes / No:Yes(TIBAfN2000000YOA2S)`? true : false

    c) When the property is Category (Multi-value), then:??? I have done this, but it does not work
    (propertyMultiCategory`SAP FC Category`).includes
    categoryValue`Workstream:SAP FC-FIM(TBeQzH7tHoTymvq8M1)`

    anyone can help me to know what im doing wrong?
    Thank you

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  • Is there a formula that I can use to calculate the time difference between two (2) document properties: Approval Date & Time and Released Date & Time in hours and minutes format? Thank you.

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  • Hi Val,

    Thank you for sharing your issue!

    Usually, this error message appears when the formula refers to a property which does not exist in the document class. Is there a Date Property actually named "Publication Date" in your class?

    You should use the exact name of your Date Property for the formula to be valid; you can use the formula builder (described here: to avoid this kind of errors.

    Adrien, from the AODocs Product Management team

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  • Hi,
    I'm trying to set up the use of workflow states to calculate properties however the example formula produces an error:
    [property`Publication Date`] doesn't match any configured property
    I'm using the Date Property as described so I'm not sure where I went wrong.
    My workflow is named 'Published' as well.

    Comment actions Permalink
  • Hi Apollo, hi Junsien,

    Many thanks for sharing your use cases!

    Unfortunately, the document sequence ID is constantly increasing (within a class), and there is no easy and maintainable way to reset it at a given date (or on a regular basis).

    Feel free to open a dedicated feature request (, and do not hesitate to share details about your specific use case, as well as suggestions.

    We will be glad to carefully review it as soon as possible!

    Adrien, from the AODocs Product Management team

    Comment actions Permalink
  • Hi,
    I have the same use case as Apollo where the sequence ID needs to reset every new year.
    Workaround I can think of right now is to manually hardcode the offset during every start of a new year but it may be too much of a hassle as we have too many document classes.

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  • You should use the following boolean condition check:

     property`Active Returns` === false 

    or you could use

    !(property`Active Returns`)



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  • Hi Miguel,

    Thank you so much for sharing your question related to the new Calculated Properties feature.

    You’re absolutely right: referencing the Category property (called “Location”, for example) in a calculated property will retrieve the whole (JavaScript) object:

    Keep in mind that this single expression set for a calculated property will result in an error:
    “[...] unexpected returned value, only supporting primitive types”.

    The section Format of a Category object in our Knowledge Base ( provides details about the structure of the Category object, and explains how to retrieve its elements, such as the “name”.
    Additionally, do take into account the caveat outlined in this example ( : we strongly recommend checking whether a value has actually been defined for the Category, and providing a custom message if it hasn’t:
    (property`Location` && property`Location`.name)
    ? property`Location`.name : 'No Location selected'

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  • Hi Morgane,

    Many thanks for your question regarding the new Calculated Properties feature.

    You’re right: as described in this article (, within a document class, a unique document sequence ID is created for each new document, and these IDs constantly increase over time, even if a previously created document gets deleted.
    So you can’t reset the document sequence ID. The only way to achieve this would be by creating a brand new document class; then the first document would have the ID #1. Similarly, you can’t set or manually change the document sequence ID for a given document class.

    Nevertheless, as a workaround, you can create a custom calculated property, which is equal to the document sequence ID, shifted by your offset.
    For example, to simulate a sequence reset, you can subtract the number of initially deleted documents (11 in your example), so this custom sequence number would start at 001 (note the use of “padStart(3, ‘0’)” to ensure the value is at least 3 characters long):
    (parseInt(sequenceId`document`) - 11).toString().padStart(3, '0')

    To answer your second point: to consider previously existing documents, you can simply increase the document sequence ID by your offset (for example, 123):
    (parseInt(sequenceId`document`) + 123).toString().padStart(3, '0')

    However, keep in mind that some indexes might be skipped in the case of errors, and this would lead to missing values in the sequence of values, as explained in the article.

    If you need additional help, feel free to contact the AODocs Support team by email at or open a ticket ( We’d be happy to look for solutions!

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