Export or copy documents from Document Management libraries

Library administrators working in Document Management libraries using Google Drive can export or copy documents to other Document Management libraries using Google Drive. 

– You can't export or copy documents to or from libraries using non-Drive based storage, such as Google Cloud Storage or Azure Blob Storage – learn more: What are the differences between the various storage platforms for AODocs?
– Different export options apply to Team Folders and Secured Folders. Learn more: Export documents or folders from Team Folders or Secured Folders

Automatically generated table of contents

Before you start

Who can export and copy?

As standard in AODocs, only library administrators can export and copy documents to other libraries. They must be at least contributor in the target library and document creator in the target document class.

A custom configuration flag is available to allow contributors or readers in a library to copy documents to other libraries in which they are contributors. 

Important: This custom configuration can be configured by API only. It isn't available in the administration interface. Learn more about how to activate this custom configuration using the API.

If users are prevented from duplicating documents in your document class, library administrators can only export documents or folders (they can't copy) and the export action isn't displayed at all for contributors.

What happens to my document's properties, workflow states, permissions and previous versions?

During the export: 

  • document properties are exported only if the configuration of the target library corresponds to that of the source library
  • the workflow state (if any) of exported documents reverts to the initial state of the workflow
  • sharing permissions of exported documents aren't exported
  • previous versions aren't exported

Export or copy a document from the document page

Open the More actions menu and select Export. Then finalize the setup and run the export or copy.


Export documents from a view

1. In a view, select one or more documents. 

Note: You can copy draft documents from Document Management libraries, but you can't export them.

2. Open the More Actions menu and select Export. Then finalize the setup and run the export or copy.


Finalize the setup and run the export or copy

1. In the document export dialog, select: 

  • Transfer to an AODocs library: the selected documents will be exported to another library
  • Copy to an AODocs library: a copy of the documents will be exported to another library and the original documents will stay in the current library

2. Click Next.


3. Select the target library from the drop-down menu.

Tip: If you're working in a library with more than one document class, you can select the current library and run an export to change the document class of your document. If your document is in a folder, it stays in the same folder but changes document class.
However, you can't copy a document within a library and change its document class. Learn more: Create documents by copy.


4. If your target library has more than one document class, you can select the class into which to export your document. A drop-down menu appears when you position your cursor in the Document class field.

5. Cick Export.


6. You can click the here button to view the progress of the export.


Details of the job status open in a new tab.


During the export:

  • if the document class in the target library has a folder structure, AODocs creates an export folder named Export - [current date and time] containing the selected documents and moves the folder to the target library
  • if the document class in the target library doesn't have a folder structure, AODocs moves the exported documents to the root of the target Document Management library
  • the user who performed the export receives a notification email

Note: This operation is recorded in the library audit log.

image07.pngEmail notification sent to the user who launched the export

7. When the export is complete, you can:

  • Reload the view (if you exported from a view): to refresh the current view
  • Go to target library: to open the target Document Management library homepage


  • Stay in current library (if you exported from the document page): to return to the current library homepage in AODocs


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  • What happens to the older versions of exported documents when performing a AODocs to AODocs export?
    I know that they do not go to the target library but what happens to them?
    Are they still accessible?
    Do they get deleted?

    Can they be restored?

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  • Excellent questions Gabriel! 
    Since the version is a concept of the AODocs document which includes: 
    System properties 
    Custom properties 
    Workflow state

    When you export a document, from one library to another, we only export the latest version of the AODocs document.

    The previous versions attachment(s) are kept in the storage account (completely unshared to anyone). They can be reattached to a document as long as you know the Drive ID of the attachment to restore. Then you can use this API, to reattach the attachment to another AODocs document.

    The previous versions system properties, description, custom properties or workflow state are deleted. They cannot be restored.

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  • Hi Thibault, is there a user guide for this API?

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  • Hi Thibault,
    How to access to those older versions ?
    Is this API still working ? I need to recover older versions of my exported documents

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