Embed external content in AODocs

You can embed external content with iframes in your AODocs library homepage and document description. This lets you create dynamic content in AODocs that automatically updates when the source is updated.

Automatically generated table of contents

Where can you embed external content in AODocs?

You can embed external content in:



What kind of external content can you embed in AODocs?

You can embed the following types of external content:

  • published Google documents, spreadsheets, presentations, drawings, and forms
  • Google Looker Studio (formerly known as Data Studio) reports 
  • Google Calendars
  • Awesome Table views
  • YouTube videos
  • Google Drive files that can be embedded as previews: Office files, PDF files, images, and videos
  • Power BI reports

Embed your external content

First copy the embeddable HTML code from the source content of the page you want embed. To do this, refer to the following:

Embed content in your library homepage

Note: You must be a library administrator.

1. On your library homepage, access the Home tab.

2. Click the Edit description button.

3. In edit mode, open the Tools menu and select Source code.

4. Paste the embeddable HTML at the place where you want it to appear in your welcome message.

5. Click Save.

Learn more: Customize your library homepage.


Embed content in your document description

Note: You must have edit rights on the document.

1. Open your document and click the Edit button.

2. In the Description section, open the Tools menu and select Source code.

3. Paste the embeddable HTML at the place where you want it to appear in your document description.

4. Click Save.

Learn more:


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  • Hello,
    I cannot make it working with Drawings whereas it works perfectly with Slide.

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  • Did you try to "File > Publish to the Web > Embed" from there you'll have the code to embed the drawing? You can insert this code using the source code option in the homepage editor.
    I tried with one of my drawing and it worked as expected.

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  • yes it is what I did.
    I have tried again with another one but still the same and I wonder if the reason is that I can share only into my organisation.
    See for exemple this doc : https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/e/2PACX-1vRem6hCY18F-tQSszpDHGI0L8grjdrvKuJXc5aHvMcdR-dT5DnFvxaZ-6pHC7PEH37QF8EoSnewwDls/pub?w=960&h=720 I don't think you can have access as I can't share it worldwide

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  • I believe your issue is that your organization Google Drive policy does not allow "real" publication (anyone with the link on the web). Because of this, the published link requires an authentication into a Google account of your domain, hence why it cannot work unfortunately.

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