Notify users by email

As a contributor on a document, you can notify by email any user, Google group, Microsoft 365 Group or Microsoft mail-enabled security group defined in the permissions of the document.

Learn more: 

1. From an AODocs document, open the More actions menu and select Notify users.


Alternatively, in a view select a document and then select Notify users in the More Actions menu.


2. In the Notify users dialog:

  • add one or more users, Google groups, Microsoft 365 Groups or Microsoft mail-enabled security groups

– Type a contact's name in the To field. The name auto-completes with users who have access to the document.
– Click See document permissions to view all users who have access to the document.

  • enter an email subject – by default the document name is added as the subject
  • add a personal message (optional) 
  • select to send a copy to yourself (optional)

3. Click Send.


4. The users and groups receive an email notification from, containing a link to the document.

– For Secured Folders and Document Management libraries, the link contained in the email notification opens the document in AODocs interface.
– For Team Folders, the link contained in the email notification opens the document in Google Drive.
– The email notification is sent in the language set in the library's locale.


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  • Is it correct that the author of a certain document can't see this 'Notify users' option?

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  • If the author is no more a contributor (she/he has been downgraded into a reader) then that would be the case.

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  • Is it possible to customize the email notification? I mean:
    -Sender address

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  • Hi Ricardo,
    Thanks for your comment. It's not currently possible to customize the email notification.

    But feel free to create a feature request on our Community pages!


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  • Hello, do you confirm this option "Notify user" is only available for user already contributor on a document or a document creator or an administrator but not for users as reader? In other words, can we use this option as a reader to notify authorized people to get access to the document as a contributor ? Thank you. Best, Olivier

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  • Hi Olivier, "Notify users" is not an option available to users with only Reader access on a document. Only the contributors and admins can use it, the main reason is that when you are a reader you do not have access to the list of permissions on the document, and therefore you wouldn't know who to notify, since they will need to have access.

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  • Hi,
    It would be really great and helpfull to see in the notification the name(s) (or email address) of people being notified. Is this planned?
    Thank you.

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  • We actually have a topic in our Feature Request Community on this topic:
    Feel free to contribute on it and vote to raise awareness from our product team.

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  • Hello,
    The "Notify Users" available the person who have "Read, Write" permissions for workflow state also ?

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  • Absolutely Apollo, we support permissions inherited at the workflow state level in the "Notify users"

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  • Can you notify users of more than one document? I have tried but to no avail. Would the fix be to place the documents you want to share in a folder then share to users?

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  • We currently do not provide this feature to notify users for multiple documents.
    If you apply the workaround you mention, I believe you will not be able to customize the message from the folder sharing action.

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  • Thanks Thibault. Will work with what we can do.

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