You can manage the number of user licenses defined by your subscription plan and control which users consume licenses on your AODocs domain. Learn more: Manage your AODocs subscription.
Important: The AODocs licensing settings page is available to:
– AODocs super administrators
– users with one of the permissions-based granular domain roles for managing user licenses
AODocs user licenses are automatically assigned to users accessing and working on documents managed by AODocs. Learn more: How are user licenses counted in AODocs?
– Licenses allow users to access a document or library managed by the AODocs domain.
– Users who only sign in to AODocs without accessing any library or document do not use a license.
– User licenses can only be managed by AODocs super administrators.
Automatically generated table of contents
Access the licensing settings
1. Access the domain administration.
2. Select Licensing.
Billing information
The Billing information panel shows details about your current licenses:
Number of licenses: This shows the maximum number of licenses available for your domain.
Note: If you are in a trial period, the value will be 0. The maximum number of users is unlimited. When the trial expires, you can set up licenses by purchasing an AODocs subscription and activating the license code. - Number of users: This shows the total number of users who are currently using a license.
Receive notification about licenses: This option lets you activate a notification email which is sent out once a week when the number of licenses is under five user licenses or less than 2% of licenses maximum number.
For example: You have bought 1000 licenses, when the number of remaining licenses goes below 20 (2%), the email is sent to super administrators, once a week maximum.
Pre-allocate licenses
Licenses are automatically allocated to users that access AODocs libraries or documents. However, you can pre-allocate users a license to make sure they are assigned one.
To pre-allocate a license:
1. Click the Allocate license button.
2. In the Allocate a license to users dialog enter a user email and click Save.
Tip: You can paste a list of email addresses you've copied into the Allocate a licence to users dialog.
Note: Pre-allocating a license ensures the new user can sign in whenever they're ready to use AODocs.
Revoke user licenses
The Active users tab displays the list of users who are using an AODocs license, i.e accessing a library or a document. When the maximum number of users is reached, new users will not be able to connect to AODocs.
You can make a license available for new users by removing users from the licensed users list. If a user is going to stop using AODocs, but plans to use it again in the future, don't revoke their license.
If you manually remove a user from the list of licensed users:
– They are no longer considered an AODocs user.
– They won't be able to sign back in and consume a new user license for the duration of the cooldown period from the moment the license is removed.
– Their library permissions will not be impacted but they will not be able to access AODocs.
Note: AODocs storage accounts do not consume licenses.
1. In the Active users table, you can:
- click the trash button next to a single user
- select several users and click the trash button
2. A warning appears, indicating that you won't be able to allocate a license to the selected users for the cooldown period. Click Confirm.
The selected users are now listed in the Revoked user licenses tab.
Note: If you revoked the incorrect user and need to bypass the cooldown period, contact the AODocs Support team by email at or open a ticket.
– The license is revoked immediately.
– Releasing licenses must be done in compliance with the AODocs Terms of Services.
"Each user license ordered by Customer is specific to the email address of only one User and, once granted to that User, may not be transferred or reassigned to any other user unless the User originally granted the license will no longer use the Service."
View the revoked licenses on your domain
To view the user licenses that have been revoked, select the Revokes user licenses tab. The list of licenses that you have revoked is displayed. You can see how long until each user can sign back into AODocs.
What to do when you exceed the license limit
In the Licensing section of the domain administration, a warning icon indicates when you’ve exceeded the limit of your paid AODocs licences. Overconsumption is due to users on your domain who have accessed files stored in AODocs only through Google Drive. These users don't have full access to AODocs.
The number of non-licensed Drive users is indicated under Billing information.
Select the Non-licensed Drive users tab to view the list of users who have exceeded the license limit.
Important: You can't pre-allocate licenses if you've exceeded the license limit. Contact your AODocs sales representative or send an email to
To remove individual non-licensed users, click the cross button. To remove several non-licensed users in one go, select several users and click the cross-button that appears at the top of the Licenses panel.
Removing non-licensed users doesn't free up AODocs licenses but allows you to pre-allocate licenses.