Prevent users from overriding inherited permissions

As an administrator, you must configure the inherited permissions model for each document class in your library. The inherited permissions model defines how documents inherit permissions automatically.

By default, contributors can override inherited permissions in individual documents, regardless of which permissions model you choose for your document class. You can change this setting to:

  • prevent all users from overriding inherited permissions (including administrators)
  • allow administrators only to override inherited permissions

1. Access the library administration.

2. Select Document classes.

3. Click the name of the document class you want to configure or select Configure document class in the More actions menu. The document class configuration page opens.

4. Select the Security tab.

5. Under General permissions, the checkbox Inherited permissions can be overridden is selected by default. This means contributors can override the inherited permissions.

You can:

  • de-select this option: no one can override the inherited permissions (including administrators)
  • select this option and the checkbox Only administrators can share documents: only administrators can override inherited permissions.
    Learn more: Prevent contributors from sharing documents.


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  • What if the field "Inherited permissions can be overridden" is deselected and the field "Only administrators can share documents" is selected?

    That combination is not represented here.

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  • Hi Taylor, only Administrators would be allowed to share, and they would only be able to add users (not remove the inherited ones).

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