A category is a type of custom property in an AODocs document. Learn more: What are categories?
A category is composed of a set of values, for example, a list of electronic products or countries. Users can select from the predefined category values in a drop-down list when a document is in edit mode.
Important: Categories are configured at the library level and can be assigned to one or more category properties in the same document class or in different document classes.
Administrators can create and configure categories. Category values managers can configure categories once they've been created by an administrator. Learn more: What are roles?
As a library administrator, you can:
Automatically generated table of contents
Create categories in the Categories screen
Note: You can also create a category when you create a custom property in the document class configuration.
1. Access the library administration.
2. Under Categories, select Add new value and enter the name of your new category.
Note: The name of the category appears in the drop-down list when you create a category property in the document class configuration.
Tip: You can make categories dynamic.
3. After creating the category, you can define its values and assign it to a new category property in any document class in your library. Learn more: Create and configure custom properties.
Make categories dynamic
Note: Category values managers cannot make categories dynamic. Learn more: What are roles?
Select the Dynamic values checkbox to allow contributors to add new values to the predefined list. New values added by contributors are then available for all users.
If you don’t select Dynamic values, the list is frozen and contributors can only select values from the predefined list.
Tip: As contributors can add new values to a dynamic category, library administrators are recommended to check the list of category values regularly for duplicate or irrelevant values.
Rename or delete categories
Under Categories in the library administration interface, click the name of a category to rename it.
Click the Delete button next to a category if you want to delete it. A confirmation message appears.
– You can’t delete a category if it's configured in the library configuration, for example, if it's assigned to a property or configured in a view.
– You can't delete the default Folder category. Learn more: View and configure default categories.