Manage deleted documents and folders

The library trash contains documents and folders deleted by users. It can be accessed by library administrators only.

The library trash is not limited in terms of the number of items, but there is a retention period. This means that after a period of time following the deletion of an item, it will be permanently deleted.

Learn more:

Note: When documents or folders are:
– in the library trash, they're not displayed in any views in the library
– permanently deleted, they're moved to the AODocs trash folder of the AODocs storage account and are completely unshared with all users

As a library administrator, you can restore or permanently delete documents and folders from the library trash. You can also view details about a deleted document from its document page.

Automatically generated table of contents

Access the library trash

1. Access the library administration.

2. Select Deleted documents in the left panel. The list of documents and folders in your library’s trash is displayed.


– To view a deleted document and its attachments, click the document name.
– To view the contents of a deleted folder, click the folder name. Use the breadcrumb to return to the list of deleted documents and folders.

Restore or permanently delete individual documents or folders

Open the More actions menu next to a trashed document or folder and select:

  • Restore: the items are restored to their original location if their folder structure still exists. If their folder structure has been deleted, you can select a target folder or restore them directly to the library root.
  • Delete: a confirmation message appears.


Note: When you restore or permanently delete documents or folders, the action is recorded in the library audit log.

Restore or permanently delete multiple documents and folders

Select several documents and/or folders and click:

  • the Restore button: the items are restored to their original location if their folder structure still exists. If their folder structure has been deleted, you can select a target folder or restore them directly to the library root.
  • the Permanently delete button: a confirmation message appears.


View details about a deleted document

As a library administrator, you can view details about a deleted document from its document page and from the library trash.

From the document page

1. Open a deleted document via its URL or by accessing it from the recent activities on the library homepage.

2. Click the More details button.

A panel shows:

  • when the item was deleted
  • who deleted the item
  • the reason for deletion (optional)

Note: You can also select the Restore button or the Permanently delete button from the document page.


From the library trash

Hover over the text in the Reason column to displayed the text in full.


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