What is the library homepage?

When you open a library in AODocs, the library homepage opens if you're in:

  • a Team Folder or a Secured Folder with more than one view
  • a Document Management library

– If you're in a Team Folder or a Secured Folder with only one view, the library opens on the view.
– To navigate to the homepage of your library, click the library name in the breadcrumb in the library header.

The library homepage contains:

Automatically generated table of contents



Top panel

The top panel has the elements listed below.


The header is always displayed when you navigate in the library. From left to right it contains the following elements:

AODocs search bar

Use the search bar to find documents you have access to in the default view only.

Learn more: Search for documents in views

New button

Use this button to create new documents in the library. Learn more: Create AODocs documents.

Left panel

The left panel has the list of views. The views of the library are configured by the library administrator. Learn more: Use views in your AODocs libraries

Tip: You can collapse or expand the list of views by clicking the Views button or the arrow button at the top of the list.

Central panel

The central panel has the following elements: 

  • Home tab: displays the library description which can be customized by library administrators with text and images. Learn more: Customize the library homepage.
  • Recent activity tab: displays an activity log of the library, such as creation and update of documents and workflow actions. You can scroll down to view older events.
    Note: Library administrators can view more activities from the audit log.
  • Refresh button: click to refresh the Recent activity tab.
    – In the Recent activity tab, users can see only see the events on documents they have access to.
    – If your library administrator has configured the Recent activity tab to be displayed only for groups or roles of which you're not a member, it is not displayed. Learn more: Configure your library's general settings.


Right panel

The right panel has the list of workflow tasks, displayed only when your library has been configured with a workflow. It displays the number of documents where you have a pending workflow action for each workflow state. Learn more: Browse the workflow tasks in your library.

Tip: You can collapse or expand the list of workflow tasks by clicking the Workflow button or the arrow at the top of the list.

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  • How do you show Recent Activity documents in a View? When we add new documents, you can see them in Recent Activity only but no where else in the Library? How do we get them show up in the Library itself say in a folder or an All Documents view?

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  • We currently only provide the recent activity at the Library Homepage level and at the document level (document history). If you are interested, you can open a Feature Request in our community.
    Alternatively, you can always add the last update and last updater to the columns of you views, although it might not be enough for what you are looking for.

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  • Thanks Thibault. I can add the columns, good idea, will try that.

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