Add files and folders to your Secured Folders

In Secured Folders, you can upload files and folders from your local computer or import files and folders from your Google Drive.

Note: When you add files to your library using the Google Drive interface, they are in the default document class. Learn more What are document classes?

Automatically generated table of contents

Upload files and folders from your computer

You can drag and drop files and folders from your computer into a folder in a Secured Folder:

#New Smartbar #Legacy Smartbar
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You can also upload local files or folders from a file picker.

1. Navigate to the target folder in your Secured Folder using the AODocs library picker or My Drive’s structure.

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2. Click New.

3. Select File upload or Folder upload.

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4. Select a file or folder from your computer in the dialog.

Important: You can't upload files using the Files feature on a Chromebook. You must use the AODocs import feature instead.

5. Click Upload or Open. The file or folder is added to your Secured Folder.

Note: When you import folders from your computer into AODocs, temporary files are not imported.

Import files and folders from Google Drive

– End users and library administrators can import files and folders but these restrictions apply:
          * they can only import files they own
          * they can't import more than 10 folders and 100 files
– AODocs super administrators can import files and folders without any limitations
– Library administrators and AODocs super administrators can also import folders from the AODocs interface. Learn more: Import folders from Google Drive in a Secured Folder or Team Folder.

1. In My Drive, select a file or folder to import in the Secured Folder.

2. Click the Smartbar button Import into AODocs.

Note: The Import into AODocs button doesn't appear on files belonging to a shared drive.

3. A dialog opens. Select the Secured Folder into which you want to import the item.

4. Select the import location, click: 

  • Import to root: to import the item to the root folder of the Secured Folder.
  • Select a subfolder: to select the required subfolder in the dialog and import the item to a subfolder.
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5. The item is imported in the library.

When files are imported to the Secured Folder:

  • the ownership is transferred to the AODocs storage account of the Secured Folder
  • all previous permissions on the files are removed
  • the files are automatically shared with all the users who have access to the Secured Folder

Import Google files from the Google editor

You can import Google files such as Google documents, spreadsheets and presentations directly from the Google editor.

1. Open a Google file.

2. In the Google editor, click Import into AODocs.

3. Follow from step 3 above.

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Import files from the Google Drive file preview

You can import files directly from the Google Drive file preview.

1. Open a file in the Google Drive file preview.

2. In the Smartbar menu, select Import into AODocs.

3. Follow from step 3 above.

#New Smartbar #Legacy Smartbar




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