Hi all,
We're pleased to announce release 16 of Bulk Updater!
While our core efforts were directed towards enhancing security and scalability, we made sure to listen to your input and integrate highly-awaited features to take our product as close as possible to your needs.
Automatically generated table of contents
Revamped list of exports
- All the actions are now accessible without opening the Options menu, which no longer exists.
You have an overview of all the options available for your export without opening the menu. All options are directly accessible for each export.
Updated status of exports
- You can now see if an update is in progress without opening the update list.
There is a new progress bar when an update is running on your export, indicating the updated / errored / ignored updates and the number of documents of the update.
- You can now stop an update while it is running.
- Updates are now based on the spreadsheet content not on the initial export.
We understood from your feedback that you didn’t necessarily want to update all the exported lines. You can now remove the lines from the spreadsheet you don’t want to be checked or updated.
- You are exporting the whole document class containing 1400 documents but you only want to update 140 documents based on custom criteria.
- You can remove the lines from the spreadsheet that you don’t want to update.
Your spreadsheet now contains only 141 lines (140 + header row) - The update will be performed only on these 140 remaining documents.
- The number of exported documents will remain the same: 1400. Then, if you refresh your export after the update, it will fill the spreadsheet with the 1400 documents (including the changes on the 140 you performed).
Technical improvements
- We improved error management, to ensure a failed export or update always leads to a mail notification.
- We improved the auto-refresh engine to prevent exports failure due to Google Sheets limitation.
- We reviewed the processing flow to speed up to x5 the process for complex exports (relations, splitters, etc.)
- Upgrade from Java 8 to Java 17.
- Transition from Google App Engine to Google Cloud Run with Docker container.
- Transition finished to Google Cloud Tasks.
Stay tuned for some awaited features
- Autocomplete on categories
- Date format configuration