Add files or folders managed by AODocs to My Drive

As an end user, you can use the Google Drive feature Add shortcut to Drive to add any files and folders you have access to from your browsing tree under My Drive.

This Google Drive feature also applies to items managed by AODocs. You can add AODocs libraries, subfolders and documents to My Drive.

Notes: You can add:
–  subfolders only in Team Folders or Secured Folders
–  any files managed by AODocs to My Drive, regardless of the type of library

Important: For Team Folders or Secured Folders, administrators can automatically add a shortcut of a whole library to the My Drive of all users. In this case, end users can’t remove the library from their My Drive, but they can organize the library in their My Drive.

This article explains how to:

Automatically generated table of contents

Add a folder managed by AODocs to My Drive

1. Select a library from the AODocs library picker. 

The AODocs library opens and the library name appears in the breadcrumb. The subfolders are displayed in the view.

2. Check the breadcrumb:

  • Shared with me > Name of the library: the library isn't added to My Drive and you can add it.
  • My Drive > ... > Name of the library: the library is already added to My Drive, you can’t add it a second time. The breadcrumb displays the location of your library in My Drive.

3. To add the library to My Drive, click the library name in the breadcrumb and select Organize > Add shortcut.

Note: If your library is already added to My Drive, the Add shortcut option isn't available.

#New Smartbar #Legacy Smartbar
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4. If you want to add a subfolder to My Drive, right-click the folder name and select Organize > Add shortcut.

#New Smartbar #Legacy Smartbar
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You can access the added items in your browsing tree on the left. 

Add a file managed by AODocs to My Drive

1. Select a library from the library picker.

The AODocs library opens and the library name appears in the breadcrumb. The subfolders and files are displayed in the view.

2. To add your file:

  • In Google Drive, select a file, right-click and select Organize > Add shortcut to Drive.
#New Smartbar #Legacy Smartbar
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  • If you have opened a Google file in the Google editor: click the Add shortcut to Drive button.
#New Smartbar #Legacy Smartbar
image04newSB.png image04.png
  • If you have opened a non-Google file in the Google Drive preview: click the Add shortcut to  Drive button.
#New Smartbar #Legacy Smartbar
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Organize your files and folders in My Drive

When files or folders managed by AODocs are added to My Drive, you can organize them under your personal My Drive structure.

1. You can move a file or folder within your personal folders of My Drive using drag-and-drop.

– You can’t move a library or its subfolders into another AODocs library. 
– You can move a library to a personal folder.

2. You can add shortcuts. Learn more:

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