What is an AODocs document?

An AODocs document belongs to an AODocs document class. An AODocs document class belongs to an AODocs library and defines a “type” of document in the library. Learn more: What are document classes?

An AODocs document is composed of several elements:

  • Attachment(s)
  • System properties
  • Description
  • Custom properties
  • Relations
  • Workflow state

Attachments are files stored in Google Drive owned by the AODocs storage account.

System properties are automatically generated by the system:

  • Creation date
  • Last update
  • Author
  • Last updater
  • Library
  • Class

Note: You can't modify system properties.

An AODocs document can be considered as an envelope containing the following elements. Depending on your library type, some elements are available, mandatory or optional.

  • Description is a rich text field that can include images and formatted text.
  • Custom properties are configured at the document class level to provide custom information about the document. They are also called metadata.
    Learn more: Create and configure custom properties
  • Relations are links created between documents in the same library.
    Learn more: Configure relations
  • Workflow state is a step of the workflow of the document class. If a workflow is defined, every document of the class has a workflow state. The workflow state changes depending on the workflow transitions.
    Learn more: Step 2: Configuration — Create workflow states

AODocs document structure for each type of library

There are three types of library:

  • Team Folder
  • Secured Folder
  • Document Management library

Each has specificities which affect the structure of an AODocs document.


Team Folders:
All documents in Team Folders have the same custom properties and workflow. Team Folders have only one document class.

Documents in Team Folders do not have relations.



Team Folders and Secured Folders:
Documents in Team Folders and Secured Folders have one attachment. This means that an AODocs document contains exactly one Google Drive file.
The title of the AODocs document and the attachment are the same.

dms_xxhdpi.png Document Management library:
For documents in Document Management libraries, attachments are optional and can be multiple. This means that an AODocs document can have zero, one or more attachments.

You can't browse these documents in the Google Drive interface, only in the AODocs interface.

You can access attachments of AODocs documents in Google Drive through the search bar, and the Recent, Starred, and Shared with me sections, but they aren't located in a folder structure.


For all libraries:
All AODocs document have system properties.

The description, custom properties, relations and workflow states are optional elements. They can be defined by the library administrator but are not mandatory for the document to exist.

The following diagram represents the specificities of the AODocs documents in the different libraries:


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  • Can you share examples of why you would create AODocs documents without attachments?

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  • I'm a bit of an old grump, so take what I say with a pinch of salt. I thought the knowledge article was 'hard to swallow', unnecessarily long, and difficult to digest. The heading was "What is an Adocs document?" and the first paragraph veers-off on a tangent and starts by talking about Adocs classes - why? This is the kind of dry, dull, long-winded, desultory text that defeats the purpose of KAs. It's not until the 3rd list that you actually start to say, rather cryptically what an Adocs is "An AODocs document can be considered as an envelope".. duh?

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